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We all of us sometimes get discouraged

at what

slowseems the slowslow

Ve look at what needs W hat needsprogress we are making in our mission work We we to be done and what we ought to be doing and then at the little weseems to are doing in comparison with the need and the duty and it seems toprogressus that we are making almost no progress the up thestepup So it seems to some mountain climber as he toils step by step seems great mountain side He looks above and about him and it seemandever and still But he to summit no the nearer sthat distant that draws he anon coming to some break some projecting point in the road heseessees he climbed has looks backward and downward upon the path and perhaps his starting point or some resting place far below andwith realizes that he has indeed ascended far Then he presses on withheartbetter heart 1892 So let us stop at the beginning of the conventional year of 1892hearts and take a backward glance at our mission work that our heartsgreatbe cheered prepared for great the may the better we be and that may Vc will make a comcom effort that lies before us in the Centennial year We years premising 1892 for 1882 and the at thatt atparison of the work correctnessthe best our figures must be imperfect yet approximating correctness under In most instances in the work of our Board the figures will fall underonesones true over go the rather than In looking over the minutes of the Southern Baptist Convention for report 1882 several things attract our attention before we reach the reportthat of our Board The first is that of the officers of the Convention thatupon year several have passed over to the other side where they look uponnot here Presidentloved they seeing President face him whom of the Au MeIl VicePresidents Furman and Ellyson Treasurer Norton and AuMelt Hell ConvenConven ditor Long now serve above The total membership of the consid tion that year was three hundred and thirtyfive and it was considhundred ered a large Convention Atlanta has entertained over nine hundredyearthis year all Our Home Board was then in a troubled condition Its receipts allmistold were 2837088 and it had on the field only thirtyeight mis this sionaries including the Secretary and agents Quite a contrast thi-



to the splendid report made at Birmingham last year of missionaries vorkwork 406 receipts at the home office 6718831 a cooperative workproperty amounting to 7274167 and assets in church and other property80000 amounting to over 80000VonlansWomans At that time there was no general organization of the WomansLto


organ Missionary Societies of which there were reported about 500 organcon11 con Their Missions total ized for Foreign Missions and 31 for Home Mis111tributions were for Foreign Missions 863397 and for Home Mis is mag 1ag1ag ssions Tarran t a separate account Now there a magsions not enough to warrant ofbounds of the within nificent organization embracing all the States activeith a wise prudent yet energetic and ever active the Convention with urgedurged objections All the Executive Committee located in Baltimore organizationso strenuously by brethren who feared that any general organization privi yould tend to the assumption by our women of unscriptural priviwould noand no experience of leges have been silenced by the inexorable logic subject no agitates any mind which is not morbid on the subjectsuch fear now con no runs up into the thousands and the conThe number of societies now to 250409725040275040272504027 amount year tributions to Foreign Missions this children Ten years ago little or nothing had been done to enlist the childrenthatfwas that ork of missions and all that could be said of them in the work BoardsBoards the to come rom had few contributions Sundayschools from a roul contri Now in addition to the five hundred Sunbeam societies whose contriNow hunhun thousands butions for Foreign Missions alone run up into the being dreds of Childrens Bands are being organized and efforts are beingAnd put forth which will in the near future largely swell the number Andtheof the Board SundaySchool the organization of a new Board the attention Southern Baptist Convention testifies to the growing attentionvhiIewhilewhile children the Southern Baptists are paying to the work among most Illostthe Board itself is proving alreadythough only a year old oldaa mostchildren valuable ally to the other Boards in the development of the childrenlineslines missionary along ownovnown But we notice some evidences of growth in the work of our ownBoardBoard Board Africa In 1882 there were stations occupied in five countries China Africano Italy Brazil and Mexico the two last having just been entered nohashasAmerican missionary having yet been sent into Mexico Japan has foreignve then had 25 foreignbeen added since that time In these five fields we foreign missionaries and 31 native assistants as against 99 of the former and 73 of the latter now The number of churches on mission fields atat nowwhilenowwhile now time is not given butcould more than 20 whilenow but could not have been nlorethan that timeisnot ve have 74 In those 20 churches there were reported 740 memberswe members ofof a number which has grown to about 2723 while the 126 baptisms ofin worked 34 that year have increased to 434 Our missionaries then



contributions stations and outstations now in about 200 The home contributionsof the year vcre 4904102 and those reported from the fields last 64783 Our home receipts this year including the balance from lastvhilethe the foreign fields report 395609year amount to 11826099 while 395609 all and not nearly all nIake report one of our best simply saying allchurches local expenses met by the churchesfourpage vas at that time a small fourpageThe Foreign 1rission Journal was is paper ten by fifen inches and had a circulation of 5000 Nov it iscirculation a thirtytvO page magazine vith neat cover and has a circulationthousand varying from eleven to thirteen thousandleast ve have made some progress in these years enough at leastSurely we totto keep us from taking gloomy views of the work enough indeed tto the call forth thanksgiving to our God and to fill us with hope for theforward future In the name of our God let us go forwardCENTENNIALTHE CENTENNIAL readingreadinThe Centennial of 11issions about vhich wee hav all been readin reading haveand hearing so much has come at last For a year past ve havehave been preparing for it by vnat ve have been pleased to calI a camcam paign of education many Nov the Centennial itself has come and manyorwondering what will be the outcome of the movement on the part ofor are arevonderingvhat villbethe fieldfield Southern Baptists to send one hundred nev missionaries to the fieHand to raise a Centennial fund of 250000 Ve do not proposepropose to enter into any speculations or venture on any prophecies alonga10nga10ng Hue Our object in vriting these vords is more prlctical Ve this VeWedesire to elnphasize this thought under Gods blessing rethoughtunder tIle re sult nrjll be tvhat indhridl1al Baptists make itit If the n10vement be a success it will not be so because of vhat ourour vast host may do If ve look at the Uvast vast vast host and spend ourour time in ca1culating vhat these InuItitudes in our churches could do ifif all vould take part next May viII find us still calculating TheThe vast host may prove an element of veakness and failurefailure Again this movement vill end in failure if those vho are informedinformed about and interested in missions shall begin to count on vhat thethe churches as churches are going to do It is easy for the individual individualChristian to lose himself at least his personal responsibility in a-aachurch No doubt many of our churches as churches will do veIL AlAl ready some have said ve viII support a missionary and missionmission aries have been assigned to individual churches But the number ofof these is so far smallsmall If the Centennal be a success it will be so because individualindividual Christians all over the land shall conIe to realize their obligations andand responsibilities and shall set about meeting these If we shan aU



111v giftsfrom God gifts blessingfronl uMy Afr prayers must bring a blessing Ayprayersnlust effort must111Uthis of outcome must successful for the I are necessary TheThe Stnlake personal sacrifices for my Lord in this time of effort make ifyc if we shall come to thinkthink success of this movement depends on nic theMay glorious be outcome the ill will then the and feel these things glad Holy Spirit coming on1ng upon us in power make us willing aye gladyear thewill And then in the ork for Jesus this givee and work to pray and gig in coming yearsyears service doing the impel to us still better of stUI joy our

come Lcome omOe




INDIA SQME RESULTS OF MISSIONS IN INDIASOME attentionThe London Times has of late been paying a good deal of attention to fact thatthe awakened seems matters have missionary that to It to orld and that thatfthat at mighty revolutionary force is at work in the world orce taking force is lodged in the missionary of the cross of Christ and it is takingn1issionmission note of the results of the operations of this force in various missionfor fields The recent census of India has given its editor food forcomC0I1com thought and after noting the fact that the native Christian conichild 1tnunity munity in an Indian district is as a rule better looked after in childtnunity needs hood better educated in youth with relation to its practical needssickness in aided more more prompth during scarcity morenlorebetter treated continually cared for and disciplined through life than any other ofof comparathe laboring castes he makes some observations on the compara conlparacensusThe of and census censustatus Christians educational Brahmins tive sshovs that among the former sixtyone per cent of the shows school boys of schooltheboys age are receiving instruction as against thirtyeight per cent of thethe nonChristian population and that in the higher educational instituinstitu tions the percentage of candidates who pass the examinations successsuccess in is Brahnlinfully largely favor of the Christian as compared with the BrahminBrahmin This says the Times reveals a marvelous change fromyouth from yputh After noting other indications of the growth growththe old order of things yordsof the Christians along various lines the editor uses these wordswords vords that should cheer the hearts of allloycrs words all lovers of missions and leadlead then1 them to turn a deaf ear to thecroakings the croakings of doubters who would trytry to have us believe that missions have not accomplished really great great1 things for God and men in the years gonegone are cronethat This is a state of things we repeat simply inconceivable in an Indian presidency presidencyhalf a century ago When Englishmen and Englishwomen feel inclined to doubtdoubt whether their aid to Indian missions is productive of results they can comfort themthem selves with the reflection that although the results niay may not exactly be what they hadhad in their minds they are more solid and have a wider reach than the first Indian mismis sionaries of the last generation could have ventured to anticipate After such uniqueunique testimony as this we need not attempt to sho show any more of the progress of the divinedivine drama of missionary work in India The latest act of this wonderful drama unfolded unfoldedas it is to our view by the revelations of the recent census ought to be enough enougl to con




uce tl1evince iuce the most bigoted unbeliever in Christian missions that in India at any rate thethe faithful preaching of the Gospel is slowly but surely effecting a complete transformationtransformation there in the life of humanity thereCHINESE CHINESE INVESTIGATION REPORTS REPORTSVe were very much interested in reading recently in the North ChinaWe China Daily News the reports of some Chinese officials appointed to investiinvesti Daily ingate the conduct of other officials in connection with the late riots in

The special interest to us apart from the connection ofof of the reports with the riots lay in the remarkable absence from them ofall an of the whitewashing which is so conspicuous a feature in allany outofficial investigations in this country With us no matter how out is rageous the conduct of an official may have been that conduct isidea ahvays described in such terms as to convey to the public the ideaalways is fine true honorableman very honest and delinquent honorable a that the Thebut a little unfortunate and so to be pitied rather than blamed The haveChinese have not reached so high a stage of civilization and so have refer no better sense than to describe offenders as they are and even to referto to their general course of life in connection with the specific charges toofficial Ve few sentences from reportsWe reports the quote a he investigated be V en Ponien has brought to lightlight An enquiry into the conduct of Wen dis the following facts He has for many years held office in the Jeho disreputaenjoyed reputa He long is years sixty of has the age over trict and delinquencies tion of being a very slippery individual but no actual delinquenciesin he eminent him home possesses as an eminentto have ever been brought the degree the faculty of making up a plausible story The fact that theresi chapel was situated in the same street as the Yamen official resihis protect renders to ex do he utmost did not it dence and that it exre tremely difficult for him however in this instance to shift the reshoulderssponsibility on to other shoulders truthfulnessSuch a report is charming for its simplicity and bold truthfulness de But the next is equally good Air Liao Lunming is on trial and deforce rioterssufficient overcome to the rioters clares that he did not have a forcehis do with so inadequate force to in attempt wounded the was but Under ordinary circ*mstances consideringconsidering The commissioner says for possession such he time our a of short out as was town that hethat the numnum num had only lately arrived at his post and had a very inadequate numbeen have possible disposal might it to somesome ber of soldiers at his is his due anof degradation punishment the but an that mitigate what satis investigation into Liao Lunmings previous history is not very satisofficialhimself of his instead devoting official is to factory It proved that im duties he occupies himself with the composing of poetry and the imlaid bibing of wine and although no special cases of extortion can be laid-






career to his charge it is on record that he throughout his previous careerwho hadthosevho vas constantly in the habit of borrowing money from those was had Conduct such as this is most unbecoming in a-aaIk it Lto

officer pub1ic public officerThese gentlemen lost their official headsheads MISSIONARIESAPPOINTMENT OF MISSIONARIES

April1neeting At the April meeting of the Board Rev E N Walne now paster atat Ghent Ky was accepted as a missionary and assigned to the JapanJapan thcapanthcapan mission Brother Walne is the son of Rev Dr T J Walne of MisMis llississippi is a graduate of Mississippi College and of the Seminary andand 1Ias been a successful pastor at Ghent Ky He is in even has qua1ievery way quali ay qualified for the work and goes to a most promising field saThey saysay sa brother will Walne alonealonenot go alone that At the meeting inlIay N Steelman now in May Rev ILN tlO pastor at PulaskiPulaski N Y was accepted for work in Mexico Brother Steelman is a fulfull lgraduate of Colgate University has been for some years graduate success Years a successful pastor and comes to us with very high recommendations HeHe is a brother of Rev Mr Steelman who is in charge of the Home Mis1IisMis sion Societys work in the dtyoflIexico city of Mexico He is fully fitted out having havinga wife who is in full sympathy with him in the workvorkwork is not a pleasant thing VVarningItisnota A WarningIt

in thettneof the time of special pleaspleas for special objects to raise cries of warning which might seem dede signed to check giving to these But sometimes this is necessary lest thethe special absorb all the attention of the givers and leave no meansmeans for regular work We Ve hope all our people will give and give liberally toto the Centennial fund but they must not forget that meanwhile the regregreg ular work of the Board must be cared for Centennial gifts ought toto be over and above the regular gifts we have been making to thethe Boards work If this should be forgotten the end of the CentennialCentennial year might see us with a permanent fund on hand and at the samesame time with a debt contracted for current work Both must be lookedlooked afterafter


A Suggestion We venture to suggest to all our readers whovhowho intend to make special gifts to missions during the Centennial yearyear not to wait until they are begged for the money How delightful itit would be to hear that all over the country the people were seeking their pastors and handing them their Centennial gifts We venture toto say that if this were done many a timid pastor who is almost afraidafraid to call on his people for extra gifts this year so hard a year as it is




not vould vax bold to speak and plead with others who had notwould vould wouldofferings would such freewill still hov 1ntended intended to give But better Lord please our dear Lor-

Them AI1In

fields one of our mission fieldsevery everyone hundred there is atnple room for more than the share of each in the hundredleast missionaries ve ought to send out this year Japan vants at leastviyes Bro would make fourteen and Broseven men vho vith their China Powell Povell calls for as many at once Fifty are vanted in our Chinacoming fields and the other tventytVO vould not supply the caBs comingapplyingapplying A vomen are number of men and from Africa and Brazil them How can ve send them-

dRoom Room for

concerned THE money oney question is afterall a spiritual question so far as missions are concernedTun Pentecostal The queStion of finance also is a question of the Holy Ghost Given PentecostalHoly blessing and Pentecost consecration of property will follow No one but tIle Holyour ural and ingrained avarice of some of the members of ournatural Spirit can overcome the nat will No one but the Holy Spirit can incite souls to that degree of faith which willchurches churches the lead them to set at defiance the dictates of selfislmess the maxims of worldly policy thetheinthedeserves in the Hedeserves inthe suggestions of overcautious prudence If we are to dare for Jesus as He wills surrender of our substance our minds must be illumed OUf hearts inflamed our willspre impelled impeUed by the unselfish Spirit part of whose glory as a divine Person is that He premanitestationfers the Son to Himself in His administration of His own powers in the manitestation life of His own lif-

of ho viII deny themthe great need ofthings be trueand who If Spirits for the Centennial year as every year is the Spiritsour mission york forthe to God toeach us of ask if of our people ve Vhat power on the hearts pover God anoint us afresh with the Spirits pover for the york this year Godquestionwill ansver if ve ask in earnest and not only the money question re of missions but many others vill be settled Are ve willing to reof ceive Pentecostal blessing lmoving that Pentecostal consecration ofwillwill God ask and so ve self and property must be the result If eIf these


closed THERE HERE is much to encourage OUf Church in the review of the fiscal year just closedMissionlfissionForeign of lfission In a time of great financial depression in the South the receipts the istheistthetreasury have been in advance df those of any previous year by 1732483 This istthe church fruit of earnest efrort and selfdening liberality on the part of not a few in the churchhas During During tI1e year not a dollar Ims been borrowed from any source Indeed there hasbusi been some competition among tIle banks in Nashvi11e as to which should get the busiin ness of the treasury Instead of paying interest the reasury has received a small inhis terest on its monthly balance For the grace of God giyen to our people and for hisand l1everceasing and kindly care over this work in all its parts we must give bumble andneverceasing dcyout thanksthanks devout

BoardWe congratulate our brethren of the Southern Presbyterian Board closingclosing in years their made vork on the splendid shoving they have

April 1st April1st

theThe sum total of their receipts was 130000 and with the




coming in largely at the beginning of the year they have beenbeen force enabled to increase their missionary debt vithout fear of a debtMay the incon1ng year be to thenl one of yet greater blessing blessingmoney Lmoney

DR Aslc ASHOREt uoRE a Baptist missionary in China writing in tl1e Cl1l1csc Rccorder RccorderRecorderquaintly sas of missionaries W1YCS that their work is not nlwaJs reported and is notnot always reportable hut it has to be done one all the same They are busy at something allall the time They look after schools and teach Biblewomen send them out and taketakettake t11eir 11eir their reports They look after the women of the churchesold folks oung folks feeblefeeble folks well folks and all sorts of folks Thcy have the care of their families and proide proidefor the strangers The husband has to do a little civilizing as a sort of secondary workwork but the wife has to keep an eye on him to prevent his beit1 being barbarized while he is aboutabout it Everytime he comes back from the jungle his wife has to look after him to makemake him presentable In fact she does a thousand things which arc of 110 great account in inmaking up a report but all of which are valuable items of solid Ultssionary usefuluseful

ness nes-

sJust Just as vith preachers wiyes at hOlne A thousand little duties toto be done unseen by any eye eve save the aUseeing one A large part ofof the final reward for the preachers vork vill go to the good VOnlan womanVOnlanwho vho has stood by the stuff and attended to the little thingsvho things UPSCRAPS PICKED UP UA

missionary speaking of a heathen mothers grief

saysat the death of her babe says

The country is full of this hopeless grief for there is no hope for the dead in a lan land ofof idolatry like this In providing a home for our missionaries we are providing providingone for Christ It is notofso not of so much consequence to ask Vitl t11e heathen be savedsaved without the gopel the question is ViII we be saved if we doo not send them th the gosgos pel Spur Spl1rgeoIlThe number of Christians in the Tclugu mission is now about thethe same as the number of Baptists in the State of 1Iassachusetts 60057 and the ChrisChris tian community among the Telugus numbers several hundred thousand Pres The Presbyterian mission in Brazil has met with a serious loss in the death of Rev Dr E LaneLane who II feU on sleep at Campinas 1Iarcb 28th He was a man of God full of faith andand good worksIu111au works In many portions of Thibet polyandry preails A wife often bas a halfhalf dozen or more husbands each additional husband paying her parent for the privilege privilegeof having a share in their daughters affections Ouly two denominations arc doing doingdoingmissionary work in Central America the 1Iorayians and the Presbyterians The latterlatter have two missionaries with ith their wives and two unmarried ladies ofEstimates ofof ladiesEstimates the population of Africa arc constant1y growing smaller At first 200000000 then



163000000 and now 127000000

But these are enough immortal souls to calI forthforth the praers and labors of Gods people for their salvation Life begets life SpiritSpirit uality is contagious One prophet inspires a thousand Armies foUow tleir leadersleaders Where Vhere arc our leaders Vhere We regret to learn that the American Baptist 1Hssionary Union closed its years accounts with a deficit of 6675431 Of this deficit 61593916159391ttwas brought ove over from the preceding yearyear

OUR conycntional year 189192 closed with a deficit of over 16000 of the new year see this deficit overcome Each of us answers by deeds

ViU the endend



MEANINGLMISSION WORKITS MEANING MISSION col For more than a year The Independent has been giving from sixteen to twenty coleveryevery of missionaries assistance of the had Missions has Foreign It umns a month to havehave denomination in all parts of the world As the letters have come in and the items haveeven been gathered the magnitude of the work has impressed us as never before but evenoftenoften been we have and manifested been is intense interest has the impressive that more That does it all meanmean drawn to ask the question What SocietiesSocieties Bible Tract and Medical Societieincluding United in States There are today the partiallyexclusively partially or either engaged Societies Boards or sfiftyone Protestant general sfiftyonc fiftyonc workwork which Boards Womans thirtyWomans thirty also are Missions There Foreign in the work of uncertainuncertain an and represent they denominations of the Boards through the general enterprisesnumber not less than ten probably not more than twenty of individual enterprises Pentecostthe Pentecost Brethren Plymouth missions faith socalledthe various including the These Mission em all emSudan Pioneer Churches the and Methodist Bands of the Free 11OO1100011004female and 11000 about male and from missionaries field not far 3000 ploy in the I1chwhichhickI1ch native nathc agents and at home a force of officials including secretaries and clerks of vwhich anexpend an they and of fall short which 1000 cannot record but published there is no theseVe these We may to add less 5000000 not than amount an in work whole the nually Scandinaviathe figures in regard to other lands In Great Britain Germany France Scandinavia societies societieindependent organized regularly and thirty hundred etc there are about one reprerepre These are enterprises individual thirty perhaps sthirty thirty Womans Boards and workersworkers native and 40000 missionaries field quite if 6000 by nearly not sented on the

7500000 and expend annually not less than 7500000witllinwithin Absolute accuracy in such statements is impracticable but it is certainly withinareare Europe and Britain America Great of Churches sa that the Protestant bounds to say 50000more 50000 and than missionaries lands by 9000 represented in their work for other tl1sthis nativc workers and have expended during the past year about 12500000 But thisnative expendiexpendi annual of the proportion considerable century a half past is not all During the col ture of these societies has been in the form of investments in churches schools and colScripturesScriptures of volumes manufactured binderies presses printing leges dwelling houses mod and apparatus of modmachineryand pretty nearly all the machinery bookspretty educational and religious books estimatedestimated been even never has investment this of The Christianity total ern aggressive thatbut could it be done it would open our eyes as never before to the tremendous force that MissionsIissionsMissions Foreign of work the into the churches have put and are putting home What Vhat is the meaning of it Not merely the work abroad but the interest at homethethe evangelizing of great work the to is committed First The Church of Christ ofbranches larger of of but only the is not true This before world as she never has been evangelicalevangelical of every form almost represent missionaries These the smaller ones as well them Christian faith and the number of churches that are not personally interested in themin thisbeen bound so up this Church whole before the has Never is constantly decreasing inin is of an the throb There interest merely perfunctory great work It is too no ChurchChurch else living a things all is she above showing life in it all tense that exception Second Foreign Missions are covering the field as never before With the exceptioninhabitainhabita every ccupy pccupy missionaries Africa these Asia and Central of few sections of a one Gospelthe Gospel people every to in every language preaching are ble land on the globe heldheld have false faiths that great the of one every everyone of Christ are battling against thrallin thrall so many millions these Tl1ird Third Success beyond anything in the past history of the Church is attending thesesinof sin power the from saved converted souls individual by efforts success measured penetrathe penetra by measured success more God still with communion and brought into wellwell tion of darkness with light falsehood with truth in the beliefs of whole races as wen-

30 330


India Ve rejoice in the 19000 Sweepers gathered in in Indiaas nations and communities We Buddhism but we rejoice still more in the indications that the great powers of Islam Buddhismlosing Hinduism and the other great religions of Asia and Africa are little by little losinghearts upon their heartstheir hold upon mens minds and then upOti fie1dfield Fourth By thus committing herself so wholly to the work by so covering the fieldhas by these great successes the Church has pledged herself to continue the work she hashasShe come end shall until her in the has course faltering 1el111 falterin drawing back never or begun begun U uuChristians given this pledge to the missionaries she has sent to the front to the native ChristiansJearnin Jearnilearning who look to her for assistance and counsel to the great masses who are just learningwho nineteenhimself nineteen for himself her for who and gave is Christ nthat Christ to that that there a Everyvantage ground present Every her to much tribulation centuries has led her through of one of those 50000 native helpers every cent ofeveryone one of those 9000 missionaries every in and schools every brick pagechapels timber those page stone and every that 12500000 pledgeof those Bibles and Testaments is a witness to the pledge member young or old rich orchurch pastor or or with whether rests you reader It if Go If see is thatyourself can you not poor to see that the pledge redeemed to it that nothing those who do lack for nothingwatchwatch Many of our Missionary Boards are just closing their financial year and are watching will commence anxiously treasury the new year with a-aaing to see whether the Lords VeVe We balance or a debt The one means advance the other stand still or retrench Wewithbring the work before you and we give you a hint at its meaning The rest lies with yourse1f The Independent yourselfThe 3ourself


NOTICES BOOK NOTICESAACROSS CROSS THIBET by Gabriel Bonvalot with illustrations from photographs taken byby Prince Henry of Orleans Translated by C B Pitman Cassell Publishing Co 104 and 106 Fourth Avenue New ew York 1892 pp 350417 350 pp417

Thibet has of late attracted more than ordinary attention among lovers of missions missionsbecause of the frequently repeated statement that it is the only pagan country of thetIJethe world absolutely closed against the missionary This which could be said a short timetime cago ago will soon be said no more for a few months ago the announcement was made inago in he secular papers that a treaty had been made between the British government andbe rthe and tbat of China which exercises suzerainty over Thibet opening this latter country tothat to trade with India And everyone every one knows that where British trade goes the missionary missionaryfollows soon followsSo little has been made known concerning the to tl land and people of Thibet owing toery jealous exclusion of all foreigners thatanydefiniteand the very definite and trustworthy information informationanydefinite that any will be heartily welcomed by the public Gabriel Bonvalot an experienced French trav traveler accompanied by Prince Henry of Orleans son of the Due de Chartres and a BelgianBelgian priest Father Dedeken undertook a trip to Tonquin by way of Thibet Going first toto Russia they fitted out their caravan and passing through Chinese Turkestan crossed crossedthe elevated Thibetan plateau and without passports by sheer force of pluck andand impudence succeeded in making their way almost to Lhassa the capital of Thibet 1hihetThibetVben within a few miles of this seat of the Grand Lama they were compelled to turn When turneastward and passing into Western China made their way to Tonquin TonquinDuring the passage across the elevated plateau of northern Thibet at an elevation elevationof from sixteen to twenty thousand feet the party suffered fearfully from the intense intensecold losing neatly all their animals and several of the men This region is a desert desertSouthern Thibet they found however to be a beautiful land in the main quite produc productive and well peopled The people were kind and hospitable and after the party reached reachedthe habitable portions of the land they made easy and pleasant progress While the



mainly engaged in telling how he and his party got through the land the author throwsthrows landthe considerable light lig lit on the social and religious condition of the people who are all BuddBudd ihists hists worshipping Buddha and the Grand Lama who is considered an incarnation ofhists of the Buddha Like all Buddhists these as the author remarks the them seem to content themselves selveswith sehes with the forms and externals of religion as the sole manifestation of their faithfaith He notes the similarity of their rites to those of the Catholic Church of which he isis theseand quietly member remarks so one much alike think these are these ai would that that people leople had once known the truthtruth The book is well gotten up and remarkably well illustrated making an exceedinglyexceedingly volumeinteresting volume V Faunce D By Rev D W phia American Baptist Publication SocietySociety





12mo 240 pp



This is a valuable and timely book on most important questions Many preachers preacherswill be glad to have presented in brief clear attractive form the objections of honesthonest sceptics to the religion of Jesus Christ and the replies to these objections This wantsceptics want Dr Faunce has met in this book With remarkable clearness and force he presents thethe evidence of the Gospel and in a war readerway that charms and holds the thoughtful reader The book is the outgrowth of a series of discussions which he held with a sceptic andand sure so the discussions have the force and freshness of what the children would call a sureenough discussion Pastors will find it a very valuable book to put into the hands ofof daday da young men who are more or less affected by the sceptical notions of the dayLOYAL The society also sends us another of its Sundayschool library books booksAA LOYALHEART 125By Mrs Caroline Atwater Mason 12mo 320 pp Price 125 ReThe Missionary Re THE TIlE MIRACLES OF MISSIONS By A T Pierson D D Editor of liThe YorkNew 35 cents York iew of cloth gilt top 100 paper 193 pp clothgilt view the World 12mo 193ppclothgilt 12mo193 otl1e CompanyLondon and Toronto Funk Wagnalls Company MisMis Dr Pierson has become so wellknown in missionary circles by his Crisis of Misit has only to be announced thatthat sions and by his work on the Missionary Review that ithasonly In he has written another work on missions to have it ordered by lovers of the cause Intriumphsthis volume Dr Pierson has gathered together a number of missionary triumphs the in various lands which so clearly bear in their achievement the marks of theobopened been miracles ob have How of doors deserve title the to as divine power friends convertedenemies opposers converted removed made overcome mountains stacles And Dr Pierson tells us in this volume in such a way as to stir and thrill our hearts AndaUallall of reach within put book the so small to as prices are the the

A course of lectures on the Ely FoundationFoundation EllinwoodYork New By Seminary Theological F F Ellinwood before the students of Union Church Presbyterian of the North Missions Foreignl1issions D D Secretary of the Board of Foreign Y YY N Sons 384 pp Price 175 Charles Scribners England In the Missionary Review for May is a plea by Rev E Storrow Brighton Englandbe othermissionaries going other to are Among who men of young training the better for definite thehave should conception of some man the such young a things he urges that things theof ofthestupendolts systems the of the and adds stupendous each wishes overthrow to superstition Superstition he fields beginbegin done yet on be best to the a study a study closest East require the East The wisdom of such a preparation is apparent apparentmade at home ning of which should be madeat Drsuch preparation make notice possible Dr under one the all such as books and to the stud of the religions of the East and has visited theEllinwood has made close study ORIENTAL ORIENTAL RIENTL RELIGIONS



hOUlehome countries where they prevail that he might see their practical workings in their homethemthem upon authority force an of the with so speaks land and in The authordiscussessuch author discusses such subjects as the Methods of the Early Christian Church inTheThe The Successive Developments of Hinduism Dea1ing with Heathenism Dealing MohamIohamMoham Buddhism and Christianity Bhagarad Gita and the New Testament etc medanism Past and Present etc1lledanism an A full index and an appendix giving a list of books of reference add to the value of anworalready alreadv valuable work


P leP




B TaylorRTaylorTaylor 18921S92 April 14 1S92-

Bell Dear Brother BelllettersHere are a few excerpta from late letters Here shadowsshowing some of the lights and shadows says of our work Sig Volpi of Bari saysatbrethren of one at the of funeral the At the Gioia Colle I was enabled to preach thenum gospel to over fifty persons and the numgospel thefor the been but larger ber would have tIAfterAfter roads of the bad weather and state tracts the ceremony I distributed suitable tractsaccordingGioia according This is the first burial at thatto the evangelical rite but though that disturb population is very intolerant no disturbthe ance occurred and all turned out to thegos glory of God in the furtherance of the gosto pel At Gravina several have been won toat the truth and the people are astonished atzealous seeing one of the most bigoted and zealousevangelical papists now profess boldly the evangelicalconfes faith witnessing before all a good confesformerly sion in favor of that which he formerlyopposed A GRAYER FACTFACT

of has just grieved all the evangelicals ofbeloved Bari The well known and well belovedbrother Fasciano deacon and treasurer ofof and our church died suddenly His wife andsuc son pronounced clericals not having succeeded in turning him from the gospelgospel took occasion of his sudden death to carrycarry They out their views with his corpse Theyreceive called the priest who pretended to receivefrom the head and hands of the deceaseddeceased signs of abjuring Protestantism and rere turning to the Papal religion But wewe adbave positive proofs that the priest ad have dressed himself to the dead body and pro

MISSIONSTHE MISSIONS victorvictory victor what he did only to sing victoryof oyer the acquisition of the best known ofover Besides mymy cityBesides mYthe evangelicals of the city priest personal protest made to the parish priestone and to the son we have published in onesigned of the city papers a solemn protest signedno 11by all the evangelicals of Bari Really nofor ofthe the clerical ranks believes forone 0one outside of nbjurc1 as FasFas a moment in this pretended afcwmas andconvinced and be to a ciano was known faithfaith evangelical earnest champion of the notes twoi1annotes two Brother Papengouth of Milan persecutionspersecutions once the cases which show at well which come upon Italian converts as wellA membermember as their fidelity to the gospel the of the Milan church was employed in thethe office of the Ouestor A new official at thec1ericaclerical head of the office was intensely clericalchildren childrenhaving a priest as teacher of his chi1drenlhaing quartersThis priest spying through the quarters found entered the room of our brother and foundevan by his bedside a Bible and various evanever gelical books for no secret had he everpropagated made of his views but rather propagatedcompanions them and often conducted his companionshis to the Baptist meeting Rejoicing in histhe find the priest hastened to inform theassign superior who without assigned or assignanable reason transferred our brother to an namely other and far less desirable post namelyQues at Mantua But the former Milan Questor a liberal and well acquainted withwith tor brotherthe merit and loyalty of our brother to gladly arranged to have him follow him totransbeen he himself whither had trans Naples iaples one ferred The other case is of a brother oneChristChrist of those humble ones who work for his without being publicly known After hisformerhe seemed his former redouble to baptism baJtism zeal in testifying to his friends and neigh claimed



day borsand bors and even in public so that one dayenr he ventured to speak inin early in this year Brescia of the common peoplestreets people tbe the listening with attention till at length somesome gospel one in the crowd hostile to the gospelinsinuated that he was a madman andand began then others following the initiative begancalumni to stone him But our brother calumnilike GaIileanGalilean the Galileanated and evil entreated fishermcn thought it all joy and honorfishermen honor lost to suffer for the name of Jesus and lostbear not his courage but continued to bearand witness to Him who is his all for time andeternityetemiteternity etemit New Brother Ferraris finds many foes to Newordi Testament teachings concerning the ordiwith nance of baptism but all the same within voice and printed word he denounces inprofant fUlt sprinkling as unscriptural and pro Two claims the immersion of believers Twopreaching persons converted through his preachinghis at Monte Carlo have asked baptism at hisappre hands His work there was much apprecon ciated and promised good fruit but conrendered siderations of Christian prudence renderedpublication The publicationnecessary its suspension of Signor Fasulos pamphlet of which I-IIwrote you has been the occasion of a-aaEangEvan storm in the Naples branch of the Evanits of itssuspending Alliance the gelical and elical comcom strict of presentation sessions The much munion in that pamphlet ras too muchEnglishEnglish Air Walker for certain persons the Baptist missionary and president of theSpurgeons local Alliance while occupying Spurgeonsquestion position on the communion questionasas communion warmly defended strict usingusing against the Pedobaptist attack argument with effect the ad hominem argumentOur BAZAAR CENTENARY BAZAARnAZRbreth in Rome has proved a success The breththe ren and sisters in Italy did well both in thethe Eng1ish English and in our own branch of thecity work All the arrangements in this cityno were made with energy and zeal and nobodys feelings were hurt Indeed a-aaThe common work knit hearts together Theunfavor circ*mstanccs were somewhat unfavorcirc*mstances beneficary able as ours was the ninth beneficarythe bazaar in Rome this season and thebl1jers buyers are verv ycry much the same in


them all as tourists naturally thinkhem think their time here too precious for suchsuch things We hope when all returns are inin to have cleared some five hundred dollars dollarsdonarswhich will he devided between the EnglishEnglish Mission and our own But the good toto all who worked and sacrificed for it is farfar more improtant than the money result I-IItrust this movement may be the beginningbeginning of more liberal giving as it has beenbeen shown that the people do not lack thethe willgood will I am sorry to close this letter withwith A SAD NOTE NOT-

EOur beloved brother Signor Martinelli is aOur aagreat sufferer from a terrible disease findfind ing little freedom day or night from rackrack ing pain while his wife from sympathy sympathyalso suffers physically and morally As ifif this were not enough a law suit brought broughtenemies against agail1t him by his enemies and the enemiesalongof the gospel drags its slow length along The doctor has ordered an entire suspensuspen sion of labor for months indeed labor labormonthsindeed consol would be impossible But the one consolunfailinging feature of the sad case is the unfailing

divineuncomplaining resignation to the divine

will and the sweet patience of our sufferingsuffering friend who thus honors God in the day ofof adversity I have called to BoscorealeBoscoreale Si Sig Basile who at the same time takes takeshim the place of Sig Martinelli and nurses himassiduousith the tenderest and most assiduous with be care The little flock at Barletta will becared for from BariBari affectionatelyYours affectionately GEO


RFrom Rev W E Entzminger EntzmingerBFrom

1892 March 3 1892D DD D Tupper Rev Rer H The past has been aaaMy Jfy dear Bro BroThe Illrr hislife his in our notable month somewhat interesttory and not without considerable interest itcause beginning its At the it as regards thecould fond I during hope the that was my W15 work month engage more actively in the workdisdis done Master but my than I had yet begunfairly begun posed differently I had only preachedthe preparation of a sermon to be preached Catholiccongre Catholic consrrconsrre second Sundavto to a Catholiccongrethcsecond on the BAHIA AHIA BRAZIL




terrible gation when I fell a victim to the terribleBrazilian ha ving a good Brazilianyellow fever But having con doctor and my wife for a nurse I was conweeksfined to my bed only about two weeks Presbyterian but am still very weak The PresbyterianCin missionary Mr E M Pinkerton of Cinsteamersteamer on same the out cinnati who came with us and who lived next door died a-aamal few days ago from the same dreadful malunderunder days four of sickness ady after a recount circ*mstances too sad to recountmy in health of myno progress report I can I when than wife She is even weaker ag agmine is ag awrote last Both her case and comggravated gravated by the fact that we have no com gravated having place at which to abide for havingfortable placeat inglivingliving ing liv which were in we the house to leave leaethe strickenfever stricken being the whole locality are and being unable to find another we areanotheranother just wandering from one part to help uide and helpVe can only look to God to guide We other us here for there is no otherwe be leave to assure you that weBut I beg circumcircum are not unhappy in our unhappy happiness happineOU know the true happinessstances for you circ*mstances is independent of external circ*mstancesS not ssPiS t is true we are perplexed but we are notde dismayed we are cast down but not deVe bless God for these light afaf stroyed We thethe flictions for they really make us love theflictions to cause more yea they make us willing to1ie down and die in its behalfbehalf lie cheerful Of the work I can give a more cheerfuhaebhave account During the month there havelaccount the een added to the different churches of thebeen the mission about fifteen Some are from thepromise promiebetter class and are people of promiseprospectives There is quite a number of prospectivesvis During During the month brother Giusburir visthe At theited Maceio and Pernambuco and former place he remained five days andaaheld an openair meeting during which aand woman well connected came forward andulmostthin almostalmost baptism a thing offered herself for baptisma ofunprecedented in Brazil In the time of unprecedented aahis stay there another woman who is ado Catholic but interested in the gospel donated to the church a chapel worth about building 1000 With some repairing the buildingwill is ready for use the expenses of which willbe met by the native brethren At the latlat ter place brother Ginsburg remained about II-


intetthirteen days and held several very interinter sixesting meetings He baptized here sixsix stirred more Almost the whole city is stirredthetheconcerning the truth of the gospel and the arcmembers of other churches especially areare ThcirTheirdoctrines Their aptistdoctrines stirred concerning Baptist preachers preach against them but itit deeper serves only to engender a spirit of deeperfield unrest There is no more promising fieldanand an in Brazil perhaps than Pernambuco andhavehave it is peculiarly unfortunate that we havepermanently no good ood man to locate there permanentlyIter some ofof Such a man possibly could alter memwhich mem 1IH11of certain the the practices of 1bers those bers are guilty which is an offence to thosebers without that are withoutchurch In Valenca the persecution of the churchof in spite ofcontinues but the church grows thisthisit Four have been added there this been month In Bahia also four have beenYours in the workwork added V E V BTZJMIGEENTZMINGKK W ENTZMINGKETnIlXGHI-

GravesCKFrom Mrs GravesRFrom lFrom From Graves CANTON ANTON ANTO CTOX

18921892 April 1st 1S92-

come Tapper The quarters comeDear Dr TupperThe appearand go oftener than my reports appear I am always promis ou arc aware as you alw3s promiswhenmyself within ing do better ut when to ing but I allowcomes allow often report time too precedence duties to take the precedencepreceencepreceence ncarer nearer M v settled work during the quarter thatMy that the has just ended has been mainly in theour hoarding school and in and around ourboarding willsaysaywillsay say ow some one will large dayschool Now Yes Mrs to Irs Graves is giving all her time toThe truth is that I haveschool scbool scJool work have kin thusone as much work of any thus not done In kind far this year car as I usually do because I-IIhave not been very well On this accountaccount in addition to the cold and bad weatherweathcrweather in most of my work has so far been insetset schools But you notice that I say setaa-which means that there are a tlhd workwhich tled titd work in great many odds and ends of work ork inother ot her directions and in and around a-aawhich means that thelarge dayschoolwhich dayschool the forschool opens up many opportunities forfor workworkevnngelistic work evangelistic in The dayschool of which I speak is inone of the most densely populated parts 111




livelive of the city There are thousands andand members of the church Some of them liveplacestlJOusnnds places thousands of people within fifteen minutesminutes too far from the chapels or other placeshavewhere Sunday services are held to attendwnlk from the school most of whom have walk attend lit often and I fear some understand but litmissionnever yet heard the sound of a missiona attendLscarcelyarys voice A womans voice can scarcely arys tle of the preaching when they do attendrys attend teach and They need such simple and personal teachrcnch at one time more women andreach Even ing as they receive here in the class Evenchildren than can crowd into one roomroom to ancl and if their husbands and sons are willing toand although I have often talked andinstructing read room do their duty in the matter of instructingread to them when II there was no roomsomethem as many of them are though some about to receive them no not so much as abouttoto drop I fear are not yet it is very difficult tothe dour yet that seemed only a dropheat11enthOll8heathen teach thcm in the midst of their heathenthous in the ocean there were so many thousVomenWomenthis relatives in their native villages Women alHls ands left out The school has started thisareofare not expected to learn in China and are year car with forty scholars and a number of been usually ridiculed if they try I have beentables others have brought in their tablesconsciencesenter trying very hard to arouse the consciences which means they surely expect to enterthe in of both our brethren and sisters on theschool soon The oldest and best pupil inletting ncededneeded question of teaching the women or lettingthe school assists the teacher when neededamsomethem come to study in the class and I am We often have ten to fifteen women some We increasing theirratified to see some signs of an increasingtheir gratified timcs more to hear the girls recite theirtimes countrythethe interest on the subject In the country Bible lessons and answer questions on thefull are fullconverts of the where most duringplaces during been taught Bible stories they the have theold men often the closedor middleaged closed grown always exercises are the week The theirtheir of women the of thebringing question the then and prayer with singing and them families into the fold and of teaching themwhere women sit out in the front room whereonheavily on weighs one is things all that explainmyself explain or Biblewoman either the MissMiss Mispresent mind At heart and my salvationsalvation of way fully the to them more whoorsNorthisis helping me to teach those who North Northis Then Tlun I always try to make one visit or littleislittle me allowing a to take here and is are at schoolhouse the more after the work the of the rest of which I have been feeling theeffects Ve begin to see the good effectsfinished We wishesshe wishes When ear year need sectiona more than section in that of Christian influences so addifewaddito go to the country again a month or soaddi fewaddi though there have been only a few themthem be able take to to I hope hence fartions to the church so far again girls againWe now have 35 of the nicest girlsmismisCentennial mis Ve have had some We schoolschool boarding ever had in the we have severalseveral women the with sion meetings memmem More Iore than half of them are church the here and one at Shiu Hing during thefollow bers bers quite a number are professed followFebruin Febru there Association meeting meeting our of baptizedbaptized crs of Christ though not yet ers see indiffer ary I have been much gratified to seeand I think there Tss not one who is indifferininin and manifested in betalks the interest the be unless it ent on the subject of religion subsub the on given them have I theformation in the been two small ones who have only een theWhitesiject and one result at least has been the Whites school a few weeks Through Miss WhitesiMissionaryIissionaryMissionary Womans of aa a organization a organize influence nfluence they have been led to members Society with nineteen memberstakingmission band in which they are taking mission Misses llissesMcCloy Missesand Simmons Brethren thein the great interest There are only four great and I-IIDr White Graves and and Whilden Vhildcn severalseveral ut womens class at present but at to attended the meeting of the Association atothers are to enter soon enough I fear toveryvery enjoyed all we which Hing Shiu themthem forthem for OYtrcrowd the quarters provided forthemovercrowd manimaniour much and the Lords blessing was mani So many of the wives and mothers of ourmeetingmeeting festly the upon veryarevcryarevcry very cannot read and are country members cannotread loveYours with Christian love teachteach ignorant of the precious truths and teachGRAVES GRAVEL JANIE ings of the Bible though some of them are


336 LFron1 LFrom From

drawingdrawing The time for the Convention is drawinfbe with youlike you YOU to would I how Tnearand and near nearand i freefrefree fre I am anxious to hear that the Board is

EagerFLBro Eager

1892 FLORENCE OREXCE April 5 1892ORENCE Bell Dear Bro Bellnew I leave today for Miglionica our newofGulf of the near South far in the station DrDr will remember that You Taranto and Taylor visited this station last year andto was greatly pleased Several desired tothoughtbe baptized at that time but he thought to the more prudent course to advise them tobrotherbrother young Our longer while wait a wait agent Piccinni who has been the Lords agenthave for doing this workk thinks we shall haveto some twenty too baptize I am hoping totententen for wice about day twice a preaching have towns wards to visit some townsand afterwards days V hearhearhear you YOU let shall I in the neighborhood mcmeme from at On the way I shall stop in Rome to atourour of committee the of meeting tend the mission Rnnficst Union and Baptist fnt to talk OVCr missionII Sunday Next ext Taylor Dr matters with witu vi BoscorealeBoscoreale and in BoscoreNaples spend hope to ofVesuyius Vesuvius LaterLateLater our station at the base of theon the Ban and Barletta rilI hope to visit il and aleP Adriatic returning by way of Ancona andBolognaBologna in Last week we opened our new hall inwhichRifredi a small town near here and which It I have been visiting for some time Ithearershearers hearerattentive full very of was nearly was studying and sad the two young men who are studyingtimctimetime same the at working me and with lth men young One well of these spoke very ver bb- menofOne of once school will at will wtll open a night interinter most has members a our young lady town esting weekly meeting in this same towninin Sundayschool Our for the women nownow and growing Florence is constantly be we have ninetyone on our roll I am beaaafeel this must make ginning to that I Atin Florence At chief feature of my work soon the present rate of increase we shall soonSunday have a regular attendance in the Sundaywin willwill school of a hundred and surely it winhutHired Ital mean somtbing to have one hundred ItalSunday ian children to teach every Sundaywork Our two colporters are busy at workvis sowing owing the seed They have already visviilagesIted villages ited more than fifty towns and villagesduring this year




from debt ChristChrist Yours in ChristJEAGER EAGEOIlX H EAGEJOHN OHN RFrom From

BagbyBro Bagby BRAZIL BRazILBnAZIRio JANEIRO BRAZI1S921S92 LIarch 31st 1892LMarch 182March

Tupperupperupper Dear Dr T dol I send enclosed the sum of nineteen dolfomissionsmissions fo for contributed lars 19 forein lars bbTin TiBar Santa BarCampos Sniitn by the Churches at Cnmne CampinasCampinas Liuujjuuisand nbara bara Sao Paulo blessing The work continues with Gods blessingbethis of thisbe beginning in the Since writing you candicandi month I have baptized three more An dates two at Campos and one here Annexthere next be baptized other will probably

lacks church now lackschu Sunday The Campos chuSunda fifty membersmembers only one of having isisThe work across the bay in Xictheroy is aaaonce I preach there yery promising very I attenways have excellent atten week and always to dance We think it may be best soon todance several organize a church over there as severalis already been baptized and it ishayealready ahead persons have Rio evereveryevery ever too far for them to come over to besides week The city of Nictheroy is besidescap this very important being the State capinhabitantsital and having some 25000 inhabitants and Wee are in usual health Bro Taylor andve looklook family family famiIr are still in S Paulo but we heatfor them to return in April as the heat over fever will then probably be about overand an feyerwill trulyYours most truly BAG V B BAGBV BAGBBABY W B-



1892AMarch March xlarch 29th 1892

Tupper Dear Dr Tupperto It has been five months since I came tospentspent China and I assure you that I never SIlentpleasantly the same length of time more pleasantlyappreciappreciin my life Every day of my life I appreci of ate more and more the exalted privilege ofquarterbeing a missionary As the first quarter of the new year has passed although I-IIhaye been able to do but little I thought have

THE FOREIGN MISSION JOURNAL JOURNALthat it might be of some interest to you toto is know what that little isSince I last wrote you brother Chappell Chappellhas come to our assistance and so we nowwenowwenow now anso have our original number four But youyou may be sure there is a vast deal of workwork hCIe and it is isourearnest ourearncst prayer todo heseand thatpraycrthatpraycrthat that the Lord will put it into the hearts ofof some to come to our assistanceassistance Ven I am plodding on as best I can withWell with the language The language occupied mymy time at first altogether but now as I havehave learned some characters I try to use whatwhat I have learnedlearned I have two stations away from YangYang chow and so I spend one in the countryda chowand onedayin dayin country thecountrythecountry in each week During this day out I-IItravel about twelve miles So you maymay judge that I have no time to lose on mymy journey in order that I may reach homehome by night I have on my journeys distrib


uted several hundred tracts and sold somesome Testaments This is a very delightfuldelightful work The people are very anxious to getget tracts from us Next quarter I will keepkeep full a strict account and report in fullVe have a native Christian here who isWe is of much help to us in printing tracts and asas sisting us in opening new stations And wewe trust that he is doing much good for thethe Lord as he preaches although he is not anan littleordained minister It costs but very littlerlittle to have tracts and hymns printed so wewe lwvedccidcd have decided to use them continually in ourour work The people are always anxious toto get them And I trust in this way we maymay publish the glorious news to these perishperish ing multitudes Praying Gods blessingsblessings beloved upon you the Board and our belovedremainbrotherhood I remain faithfullyYours faithfully V PIERCPIERCE L W PmRC-


and It is hoped during the Centennial year that every one old andaaill avail himself and herself of the opportunity to make ayoung will this purpose the Chapel Card is at the freefree special gift to missions For Forthis offerings collections upon sendingor will make sending it disposal of all who has the money to either the Home or Foreign Boards Its use already hasBap proyed its value to interest and secure small gifts The Maryland Bapproved is Baltimore the depot supof E St Fayette sup 10 Rooms Mission tist A circular appeal from the Boards andplies for S S superintendents and will be withBricks also sent Annies leaflet with the interesting narrative charge orders free of chargeindividuals For Pastors Womans Mission Societies Bands or individualsCommittees in the seveseve Literature the to made be should application Union ral States See addresses in heading of Womans Missionary Uniondepartment of the JournalJournal BeardDBoard Extracts from the Report of the Foreign Mission BoardBEXAMPLE BLESSED LESSED EXAMPL500 EOur mission churches report less than 500Our contribu baptisms and more than 3000 contribuyearyear lastyearlastyear more than last tions which is 1000 moretlian the and over 1 for each member of thelatter In the latterchurches of our mission them days a little child shall lead themtlusthis The statistical table at the end of thismostreport will be found to present the most cheering exhibit of our missionary work



SAmong the valuable services of theAmong the sup Journal has been the advocacy of the supnumberport of a missionary by each of a number

of parties which has resulted in ten perper en sons churches or associations being en-



mis Toned as pledged each to support a mispub sionary and the roll will be monthly pubis lished in the Journal until provision ishundredhundred one the of support the for made Cen outdttring during the Cenmissionaries to be sent out mosttennial year which year cannot be most entered earnestly and most inte1ligeutly enteredeanlestl For upon without regular reading of the ForthatMission Journal It is suggested that eign MissiollJournal contributed the Sunbeams which have contributedthe this year 31382 support one of thellraxllrax one hundred missionaries Rev G Braxpa ton Taylor is their worthy parent and pa-



Convention last meeting of the Conventio-

addedntwentytwo twentytwo missionaries have been added been to our force in the field and five have been-

appointed who will


force join the force-

report Since the close of the Canton reportsix Ve rejoice over sixBro lcCloy writes U We provinceprovlncemore baptims in the Kwang Si provlnce of in the midst ofThe seed is springing up iu are Christians arethe but persecution great brighthealthy and bright BoardThe Saling Christians send to the Board dimension a crimson silk several yards in dimension-



the elegantly wrought with an appeal for theof return to them of 1Iiss Lottie 1100n ofV e thank God that hehe hWe whom they SRY and g- ave his servants wisdom to choose andgave lIisslIiss send them so good a missionary as Misslike Moon whose heart is filled with love likeGod unto that of the Son of Godwrites From Bahia Bro Entzminger writesbaptized that fifteen more l1ave bren baptizeaaven adthat a lady convert in Iaceio has given that the chapel worth 1000 and that under thePernam preaching of Bro Ginsburg in Pernamstirred almost the whole city is stirredbuco gospel concerning the truth of the gospelof vliss lIcDavid the associate principal ofMiss vliss TheThe Madero lIadero Institute writes April 7th Newewew school is in a flourishing condition New aaVe have now apupils come in each week We enjoy few more than a hundred How I enjoythemteaching and working with them

P Pr o


heP ePr

inland Miss Knightthe centre of OUf inlandlliss inin nowin now Shangtungworkis Shangtung workis not so lonesome nowin1fr1fr Pingtu since there have settled there MrLeague and lIrs Sears and 1fr and Mrs Leaguewell The other single women of China as welldistin as of Mexico and Brazil are doing distinof guished work for the Master The wives ofamong our our missionaries many of whom are amongcDncealed our best missionaries are often cDncealedhusin reports under the name of their hus have bands Our woman workers at home havesisterreason for thanksgiving for their sister workers abroad w

organic The lfexican missions propose organicforward unification and are projecting a forwardbelievealong the line They believe movement all alon to in Mexico and the Irxicfins and crave toof take onr sister Republic in the name oftake Christ YlCEIHESIDEXTYlCEIHESIDEXTS XD VICEPRESIDENTS FIXAXCES AND VICEPRESIDENT-

ear havc ben 114 SThe receipts of the year The sum 32580 This is the largest annual sum800800 ever receied But while this is some S00the more than was received last year thebe amount paid to the several missions beyond the payments last year was some of 8000 This indicates the enlargement ofhave our enterprise and that the churches havethethe not kept pace with the progress of tileincluding work The expense accountnot includinginterest paidexceeds that of last year by paid 165605 Of this St1111 there wns paidpay for printing in excess of last years payof ment 66333 for excess 01 distribution ofaccount the lournlll 9 2 and for the new account669OS66908of the Centennial Committee 66908 agency aggregating some 1400 The agencyaccounts exceed that of last year by some show 415 All these increased expenses showtoto increased activity in giving information toforthegreaterforthegreater in preparing and people the enor ear The enorwork of the Centennial Year horrowed 8OO bas been horrowedmous sum of 78000 padpad on which 177142 interest was paidchurches the price of the tardiness of the churchestbe This is some in making their offerings paid heavy interest paid500 more than the hea the011 the be year stated that should It last last day of the ycar April 30th 12198 33 was received on the last five days April 2013203 and in the last month Aprilre some 40OOOonethird of the whole reTheThe Board the by received ceiptswas de deficit last vear was 562864 The deear is 1693221 The differdiffer ficit this ver figures ence of i1000 is explained by the figuresas given aboe and the general diflrence asbetween given in the Treasurers report betweenIt the receipts and the disbursem*nts Itconsiderable should be observed that a considerablewhich part of this deficit is in call loans whichoror are either from funds not needed now ormoneSmone from lenders WllO do not wish the moneythttsoon returned It is no satisfaction thatS0011 0011 books the issionary Union closed its bookshe educa with a debt of 66000 111 the educaVicePresitional work of this year our VicePresi service dents have rendered very yaluable servicethe and their reports are commended to theex consideration of the Board llore is exyear pected of them during tbe ensuing year10000As the Convention has ordered 10000 be copies of the Proceedings of 1892 to bedoc published it is of moment that these docexpensive uments so important and so expensivebreth should be generally circulated by the brethdistri ren to whom they will be sent for distri-



bution by the Secretaries of the Con Convention


SELFHELP SELFHELSInsignificant as the contributions of thePInsignificant Insignificant Ulethe churches in Italy may appear in compari comparison with the money spent upon this fieldfield yet the principle of selfhelp has not beenvet been unrecognized mrecognized Not only do all of thethe churches do something towards their locallocal expenses but several of them contribute contribute-

toward the work of evangelization ForFor one of these little groups of brethren any anyone brethrento pay the salary of the evangelist andand


three new churches j the native Christianshree Christians aroused and organized for aggressiveaggressive work the extention of their labors intointo fields and the way opening in every new fields direction for a still brighter future TheirTheir language is God has done great thingsthings for us whereof we are gladCglad CHURCHES FOREIGNERS HURCHES OF FOREIGNERSIn the State of Sao Paulo there are threeIn three churches of foreigners inn charge of our RioRio Mission 1lission Two of theseconstituted these constituted byby our missions are German Russians whomssionsare who have fled from Russian tyranny The rere They areare described as earnest and zealous bodiesbodIesbodies greatly desiring to be used by the Lord forfor the good rood of his cause The third churchchurch is composed of North Americans TheThe mission writes These churches cannotcannot be neglected If properly trained and utilutil ized they they will be great helps in extendingextending the gospel among the Brazilians surroundsurround ing them

the rent of the locale were as impossible impossibleas it would be for a child to lift a ton andand after all why should this be expected ofof them when the minister is not primarily primarilya pastor and the locale is largely if notnot chiefly for evangelization There Thereisis muchmuch poverty in Italy and more this year thanthan ever and if the bulk of the gifts go to poorpoor porbbrethren it is not only due to that affectionrcthrcn onlvduetothataffectiononlvduetothataffection affection atcness which is a marked Italian traitateness trait but it is also in accordance with the examexam MISSION JAPAN MISSIOple of apostolic times for was not thethe XThis NThis mission is organizedThis recently organized but mother churchthe church the model church of JeruJeru Our missions have been onerntinnonerntinn operation beenin in operationpoor in this worlds goods andsalempoor and from other fortysiten to Going fortysix one years to onesuccored even from afar deir No doubt de lothese fields of finds lo missionary older the spite the poverty of the people moremore cations established home provided thethe a be toward might raised mifYht towar werev selfsupport were 0 ways and means of getting along underunder th evangelists less timid and more faiththe faith the language acquired and manymany ful ful But when we remember how slowslow stood facilities which may be freely used toother to many pastors inculat home have ha Ye been to incul nclmain trPninor togive him a start in his work Tn tr going to I gOlng t cate and churches in to practice liberality in1to mission organize oura Japan new our mISSIon 11puing expaying giving and for the support and ex puing Baying aim olvlIla lul foundbrethren Brunson and McCollum found tension of the gospel and when we rere vcry different The Board bad atvery at member how delicate is the position of anan it tempted difficultiesdifficulties to anticipate some temptd Italian minister in view of the extortionsextortions and to provide against them But thesethese of the itoman oman Church and the manipulamanipula manpulaefforts failed and our brethren had to dede tions of the priests and when we think ofof pend largely upon themselves with nono the reaction of people from a systemsystem knowJedg of the language and litleklittlelittle knowledge but under which every religious privilege hadhad knowledge locatmglocating nowledrre of the country After locatingits price we may perhaps rather wondervonderwonder and first in Kobe afterwards in Osaka andand rejoice that soo good a beginning hashas then rroinrr back to Kobe they finallyfinally going o yearbeen made It IS is certain that this year altoltoIt 00alto under stress of circ*mstances quit qUl t a Maymarks an advance in this matter 1IayMay gether where getber the great island of Niphon wherethere be no retrogressionretrogression the these cities are located and went to theBut there is another form of selfsupportselfsupport ex South western exof Kiushiu in the Southwestern island viz where the evangelist in whole oror treme of the Japanese slandsislandsof islands group apanse J part supports himself of which we have Ye haveKokuralocating themselves in tn the city of Kokura had and still have several cases in Italy ad ofof In leaving Osaka our brethren had One of our evangelists in Rome receivedrecehedreceived ye their little orgamzatlOnorganizationleave organization lea course to his chief income from the university wherewhrelwhere year as reported last yearthere consisting of ofas lie lIe he lectured gainsIe gains to the Conventiona Another in this city gamsfifteen a church of fifteensupport about onethird of his inadequate supportfortyfive memhers and a school with fortyfivemembers from daily labor in a printing office TheThe These interests will bebe names enrolled evangelist at San Remo is employed at thethe carefully no byy ourour carefnlIv fostered we doubt not railroad depot all his evangelistic workwork sister the American Baptist Missionary MissionaryMissionaryIIsslonarybeing purely gratuitous Other instancesinstances Union from our ranks could be citedcItedcited w






ofmission rejoices in the baptism of of j the organization

fortyfour converts


thisnst as this report is going to press this JSJust Just missionmission mISSIOgood news comes from our Japan mISSIOn SJ



first Sixteen have been baptized since the firstchurch Ye have twentyfive churchWe sJanuary of January hehe The inquirers Thetwentyuqmrers member- There are twenty members cities cItIesmission has regular work in three citiesintointoand is preparing to go immediately into thatThe report adds that two other places up their large Sundayschool was broken upby the prohibition of the president off aa-amission mlsslon neiOhboril1O mlssloneighboring academy But our missionsanOcoin native in the streets and their nativesangh coin naris sanO aries renld ren childrenhildrenassistants preached and ninety cchildren prayer followed them to the house of prayerchild where they were told about the childSun On SunThe report concludes jesus Jesus SundaysSundayday afternoon we have four Sunday and scliools schools chools in different parts of the city andfor on Saturday afternoon a meeting forto children It is hard to get the women tonlteingtmeetings bear preaching or to attend meetingshear isISIS therefore herefore much housetohouse visiting is written Bro Brunson had writtennecessary necessarY come Bro McCollum and family have comemuch down from Kobe and joined us very muchto our delight 111

1 11

WORK ISLAND WORKWORKBro interiorBro Herring has made a tour interior mim m th imward and is quite impressed with the evangelizing evangeltzportance of entering upon an evangelizingof enterprise into the more westerly part ofplace kChina China getting some one to take his placeChina mgt Mnn Shanghai and going with a company ofof interiorearnest Christians into this more interior ararrs Herring have just ar work He and Mrs The Board hashas rived in this country come to no conclusion in regard to the propro undertaking posed undertakingS-


CHINA SOUTH CIIlXOUTH CHIN6G6ABaptisms 666 Baptisms 120 church members 66668691scholars 340 contributions 68691 The report of this mission opens withwith freedom thanksgiving for health peace freedomfrom violence arrival of new missionariesmissionaries re a larger number of baptisms than ever reandported and signs of Christian living and nathocnative giving and working among their nativeghing members mem bers memberLAGOS LAGO-

STwentytwo sTwentytwo fiave been baptized atTwentytwo at Lagos and seven at Hausser Farm byby After a long seasonbrother Newton season of sowing there has come a season ofof reaping reapin and rejoicing Twentynine in thisthis field in one year is so far in advance of anyany recent previous years that some couldcould hardly have expected so much but we arehardh are now prepared to expect still greatergreater things in the years to come even even if notnot this year


thusthus It is with gratitude that the Board t11Uthe reports Sreports the most prosperous year on theNever has there beenbeen field ever recorded so so much preaching and teaching never sounpre many baptisms The future seems unprecedeiitedly cedeiltedlv bright That passed Thatc10uds clouds have passedcedentedly som of the missions is as true as thatover some that from Treatest good frequently comes fromthe greatest seeminT nothin that thethe seeming evil There is nothing opinionees ahead which in their opinion Board sees our does not betoken greater progress to ourdoes cveneven work and the prospect at home is evenThe more cheering than that abroad Theoccurredwhich have lightningwhich haveoccurrtdhaveoccurrtd occurred thunder and lightning areaofourterntorvhavec1eared haveclearedareaofourterntorvhavec1earedin a small areaofourterritorvllaveclearedarcaof ourterritory havecleared and the atmosphere in that limited sphere andand Then promise of more healthfulness andgiven judgearnestness arl1estness of action Truly in the judg been ment of the Board there has never beenin the history of the Southern BaptistBaptist the thConvention Conention interest in the cause ot theand eworls evangelization so widespread andworlds from increasing This judgment is formed fromcorresponthe th spirit and statements of correspon publicamissionar news and publica dents the missionary dede tions of our denominational papers the deof mand for lr religious literature and a kind ofamongblowing missionary atmosphere among glowing and the churches and ifi the associations andour conventions wherever one goes in ourthisthis The reason for thisSouthern States The state of things is not hard to find Theand Centennial year is upon us Grand andbyarousing speeches have been made by consecatetconsecrated earnest eloquent men Our consecratedenthusiasti enthusiastIwomen have never been more enthusiastiwomen kindlingcally and sagaciously engaged in kindling NIt

and Many pastors any pastorsand increasing interest for have revived the monthly concert forthe prayer and more frequently refer to thesermonssubject of foreign missions in their sermons subject more and lectures and more regularly and moreheartily bring the cause in their publicpublic ThcThe prayers before a throne of grace ThewithCentennial Committee is also at workwith workwithwith work no its plans and efforts And there can be noin doubt that in the Sundayschool and inbusiness the home and in the marts of businesscon there is more than usual prayer and conversation on the subject Another causecause is the multitude of missionary documentdocuments sthat our that have been scattered among ourrav last there mustSince May churches must have gone out of the mission rooms atat Richmond not less than a hundred thouthouthou of sand tracts various in the treatment ofthe subject of missions and not a few ofof thept powerful in argument thejn persuasivepersuasive arguruentand and persuascthen in appeal There are man indications many indicationsthat the movement plainly started is toto that consummationgo forward to a grand constimmatIonrand consummation COllvenaimed at by the Southern Baptist ConvenConven tion







CPRESIDENT RESIDENT Miss FANNIE E HECK Raliegh AV C-C PRESIDENTMISS PRESIDEXTIISS MrsMrsVICEPRESIDENTS Alabama Mrs G B Eager Arkansas Mrs E Longley Florida Mrs VICrPRESIDENTSAlabama VICPPRESIDPxTsAlabama MrsMrs L B Telford i Georgia Miss M E Wright Kentucky Miss E S Broadus Louisiana LousanaMrsLousanaMrs WWW Mrs W J Brown Mississippi Mrs A M Hillman Missouri Mrs WYo S Penick Maryland MrsWUardn1JI MrsW MrsW Tennessee Carolina Mrs Jas A Brings South CaronaMiss Carolina Miss M1 E McIntosh TennesseeF Elliott Elliott Xorth CarolinalIrs FElliott F Western Virginia ArkansasB C Miss Texas Nelson Davis F Tupper Mrs Arkansas M Airs Anson Mrs 105SMoss Territor Mrs May lay Mosstend Jlm Indian Territory ami ARMSTRONGMiss ANNIE Wr ARMSTRONG COR SECRETARY SECJFTAJYlIISS SpCImTARYMRS MKS F M1 ELLISTStreetStreet 10 East Fayette StreetSELLIS REC SECRETARY OLIVER TREASURER OLIERTRPASUHERMRS TREASURERMRS REASURER MRS M1 E OLIVERBirmingham P O box 585 BirminghamCmDoHTTEESl1abama lrs T A Hamilton PO STATE Alabama Mrs STTP TATE LITERATURE COMMITTEES De Florida Mrs RockFloridtil lrs L B Telford DeArkansas Mrs E Longley 1005 West 6th St Little Rock Ave Kentucky Miss E S Broadus 821 4th AveAeAtlantaKentucky Land Georgia Mrs Stainback Wilson Atlanta E Annie Armstrong Miss Maryland 10 EEShreveport rs J T Barrett ShreveportIarrland Louisville Louisiana Mrs Missouri Mrs J-JJCoJIissouri Baltimore Mississippi Mrs A M Hillman Clinton Hinds Co Fayette St BaltimQreJIississippi 1iss Fannie Heck Raleigh RaleghSouthCRaleighSouthSouthRaleghSouth South City North Carolina Miss L Burnham292S Burnham 292S Holmes St Kansas CitySortll St3 N Vine StS E S Shankland 223 Tennessee Miss SESShankland St HillTcnnessee1iss Hss M1 E Mclntosh Society Hill HillTennessee Carolina llrolin Miss Pollard Antonio Virginia Miss Juliet Pollard1ahyi1le Irs F B Davis 114 Carson St San Antonio1irginia Nashville Texas Mrs CompereCompere E L Territory Mrs Indian West Arkansas and RichmondWest 405 K5 Lombardy Terrace Richmond ArkArk ArDallas Vallas Ar1


ALICE r6YEditorial communications to this department should be addressed to Miss ALICEktSrEditorial tSrEditorial keEditorial be Id Orders for literature which must beBaltimore Md 1423 McCulloh street BaltimoreMd Maryland lIarylandwithIt money accompanied wit ncconlpanied nailer stamps postal notes or orders should be sent to MarylandlldMBaptist Mission Rooms 10 E Fayette street Baltimore Md AKMSTKONG AltMSTRONG AICtSTHOG

1892 dMissionCard iUissionUard Topic lor June 1892JMissionCard JAPANJAPAN JAPAAPAN APAX amam And nd they shall know that I andjapan XelapanII NslapanAnd elapanII slapanAnd

the Lord



assist Missionaries 4 native assist-






schoschol ship 15 baptisms 3 schools 1 schol1889ars lars 45 Mission founded in 1889 toooAttitude of Japan toopicsAttitude Study Topics missionmission 1111SSlO1111SSlOn as a Japan Christianity wards and nfidd field Its religions S B C missions andYetYet apanese customs missionaries jJapanese possessed much land to be possessedPROGRAMPROGRAM PROGRAr as-ssIt will be understood that the programs as in11in prepared are simply suggestive Those as1charge are expected to make such changes as charge demand the interests of the meeting may demandthentercsts theinterests


NHeprayeth Heprayeth He praetb best who lovcth best Hile


Ja the recent earthquake in Jadestroyed pan 90000 homes were destroyeddamaged 30 000 more badly damagedperhaps 30000 killed ki1lefrom 8000 to 10000 persons killedas dcarrying carrying grief into the hearts of asinintnin badly tn badl 10000 besides more many mall mall batbatjured people to be cared for No bat uch heartrend tle field could furnish such


2 3

4 5 G 6

in ing scenes as have been witnessed indisasdisaconnection with this distressing disas 1891Miss Review for Feb 1891 ter ster1Iiss sterMiss ter1Iiss prayers prayersiShort prayersExercisesShort Devotional Exercises singinginterspered l1terspered with singing A prepared Scripture reading of approappro priate passages mentioning Isles ofof the Sea thethe Prayer for the JJapanese apal1ee afflicted by tIlemakemake recent earthquake that God may maledoor this affliction an open doorCommitteeCommittee by I Music Arranged MusicArranged usicArranged Encourage Two PapersObstacles and EncourageJapanments to work in Japan

Business 7 BusinessConyentConvenConven 8 Report from Southern Baptist ConvenioJ1 tion Empire ofJapan H A TupTup 9 Leaflet

per Jr D D H Hymn 10 HymnA ninAA Song of Praise 11 Centennial Returns Concert 12 Lords Prayer in ConcertLiteratureMonthly Missionary Literature leaflet An interesting and comprehensive leafletbbbycal1ed j The Empire of Japan written by called in monthly Dr H A Tupper Jr to be used iumonthly mont-




societies church concerts and Missionary societiesbeen Jas beenor for individual information has IiIi Mis published by the Maryland Baptist MisBaltiBalttsion Rooms 10 E Fayette street Balti postagemore Price 3 cents including postage Notice Special Centennial Noticelitera Ministers Iinisters or laymen desiring free literap1easeplease tennial interest vill pleasecentennial ture in aid of cen The Tbapply to Home or Foreign Boards Thehavehave Maryland eJlarIand Baptist Mission Rooms hareNotwithstanding thisthis NO FREE literature m FREE month notice or similar ones appearing monthof by month in theJourn1I the Journal large numbers offor pastors societies and individuals send forpstors re literature unaccompanied by money or rethe quest for bill Let all persons desiring theRooms leaflet literature item ture furnished by the RoomsByBy send for a Catalogue price G cents can means of its classified lists selections canReductions be made and prices learned Reductionscceptableacceptable made on large orders Stamps acceptableleaf The Rooms are supplied not only with leaffields lets the latest and best on S B C fieldsfrom 35 publishing houseshouses othersfrol1l but have others coUeccollec of all denominations making the collecextent tiotl unique in its variety and extenttion Special Notice to




WomansWomansby Womans free literature published bvYomansiThe freeIiteraturepublished freeliterature bvYomans wonlans work workMissionary issionary ssionary Union in aid of womans issionary Commitis sent in bulk to State Central Commit IS chapel tees also the centennial supplies of chapelin cards certificates leaflets etc Ladies inabovethe different States desiring the above not whether connected with societies or notStateshould apply apPIP to their own Central State

Committees whose address forgeneral ref for general reference will appear from this date ate in thethe V M1 U Department of thetIleheading of W the Committee Journal as State Literature CommitteeFourth Anniversary of Womans Missionary Union aux to S B C May 6 8 9 and 10 18921892

As the annual report with full details ofof wi be publishedeach days proceedings will published Stateas soon as practicable and sent to State so Central Committees for distribution to societies the attempt to anticipate that rere port in the limited space afforded will notnot be made Each State delegation waswas urged to secure from one of its members a-aareport of the meetings to be sent to eacheach State paper It was a cause of great rere

gret that the faithful account of the pro pro-

weUceedings prepared each day by ladies wellwell failed fided to render this service of love failedfitted to find place except in one issue of the AtAt

lanta Constitution

hadthough promise had

11V MMbeen secured that a daily report of W M U should be printed in connection with

reportthe Convention notes However a report is only secondary which secondaritit is the occasion whichjoyous counts and this occasion was a joyouselenientswhichcontributeelements which contribute contributesuccess in all the elenientswhichcontribute was to that desired end The weather wasl vvkindhpkindlykindly pleasant The Central Presbyterian kind itself aaa-granted for the ladies meetings itselfAtlantashandsome structure and facing Atlantas elegant Capitol gave a cordial welcome toto Iissionar Union Floyers Flowers lentlent Womans Tomans Missionary brightness ministf of beaut beauty brightnesstheir sweet ministry appre and thoughtful care which is ever appreextendciated and a generous hospitality extend ed homes to all delegates desiring themthem These are only the accessories but gracegrace ful and gratefulthey grateful they hnctheirimportant hnctheirimportantptheiritnportantimportanttheir important have suc place lace in making up the sum total of successcess ctssctss the The meetings were well attended theorganization organizationbest in the history of the organizatioseYsev nSixtyfic delegates out of a possible sevSixtyfive every one of the fourteenfourteen entynine from everyone othersSouthern States with numbers of others audience not delegates and a large local audienceinterest gaye cheering evidence of the deep interestgave the cause of missions at home and abroadabroad The opening religious exerexer had aroused Theopening cises of the five sessions were characterizedcharacterized whichby fervor and ready participation which made a delightful preparation for the busibusi An openness meetings which followed open Irs Harvey Hatcher badeing address by Mrs bade kindly welcome to the delegates to thethe hearts and homes of Atlantas people toto which Mrs Irs Thos B Osbome Ky mademade G000an appropriate reply foJJowingAfollowingAThe President made the following ADDRESS ADDRESDDRESS SThe Lord Jesus my beloved sifters isThe is our Leader He has saved us from ourour sins has called us to be his own and hashas granted unto us the precious privilege ofof hecoming fellowworkers with him for thebecoming the salvation of others Yea more as hishis hand maidens he has united us in thethe bonds of Christiati labor and vouchsafedvouchsafed to us a special work in the interests of hishis kingdom How great his condescension condescension-

and how inexpressible our gratitude gratitudeBut with privilege we must rememberremember comes cones responsibility and after a timetime we shall be individually called uponupon to render an account of our stewardsteward ship Critical moment will that be forfor if in the warp and woof of our workwork the spirit of the Master astcr is found it shallshall not alas alas for wastedstand but if notalas wnstedwasted time and disappointed expectations It isis indeed not so much what we do as whatwhat we are that shall win the approval of thethe King of kings and though we shall laborlabor without ceasing but willingly put into ourour work wood hay stubble words stubbleinin other wordsour wills and our purposes it would avail

THE FOREIGN MISSION JJOURNAL JOURNALOUILALOUILAL JOURNALnothing but would be burned even though thoughsave yet as by fire Howwe should be saved How carefully then we should study stud the life ofof our to pur Saviour and how hoy earnestly seek toimbibe his spirit that it may permeate thethe secret recesses of our being and becomebecome the guiding principal of our lives toto place our hands in his and to have hishis spirit in our hearts will be to lose sight ofof self to obliterate all danger of loss and toto put within our grasp the promised goalgoal effort the crowning joy of all Christian effortHis approval acceptance apprOtllllnd and acceptanceVhile all of our number may joyfullyWhile joyful1rjoyfully claim to be among the called of the JIJordLordordord Lord and fellowlaborers with him there are a-aafpiv he haS assigned positions offew tn whom IIA to ivlmm of ecific work of developing deoeJopingtrust and the specific and directing the missionary spirit among amongtbeirthe thousands of Baptist women in theirtbeir respective States Too these elect ones mymy Con heart prompts me to say a word Consciously scious sciouslyor or unconsciously my sisters youyou are moulding the missionary sentiment ofof cnrecare the women and children under your carelives and through the spirit of your own livesaresending sending out an influence by which yourare your YourYour affected constituency must be more or less affectedesponsiresponsi In these positions of trust grave responsibilities are involved and well we might oneone organiza tremble for the welfare of our organizaLord tion should you thus honored of the Lordyourfellowlaborers in fellowlaborers fail to keep inand of your the close sympathy with the spirit of theeasierecausc it is so much easier great Leader Because to others on toto stand at the helm and urge otherson is 4Treater efforts and larger gifts than it isgreater to abide constanth the constantly at the foot of theto of to empty our hearts ofcross and daily to and self that the Holy Spirit may possess andought use us we who seek to guide others oughtspirit all the th more carefully to watch the spiritsliritaaIS aand tenor of our own lives There is excitement an excitementdanger dal1Cr that in the hurry and seeming of work ork in the exhilaration of seemingthat success and amid the temptations thatflose flesh ma sometimes loselesh is heir to we may ultimate sight of the starting point and ultimateThe CrossCross YIZ end of all missionary effort viz thetheweangelization evangelization of the of Christ and the in I entreat you to bear these inworld the min mind daily and daily to consider theFrom Fomnature and source of our calling Fromstnfestrife the world may come sounds of strifefrom mens hearts stirred and alienated one frompersonal another personal preferences and personalthe ambition brooking no hindrance of theearthycarthearth carth earthy totalItotally totalI But we ar are not of the world and totallyambi amItunlike these are the purposes and ambiamI in 1U 1tions of those who are new creatures inions crucify cucivUChrist Christ Jesus whose glory it is to crucifyof the flesh and to bring forth the fruits ofbe the spirit that God and not self may behonored Mav Iay each of us earnestly seek 4


to be of this Christlike number numberand and whatwhat numberandJ

ever our position or whatever our placeplace with eyes eyessteadfast1yfixed steadfastly fixed on our SaviourSaviour may we strive to do all inn his name andand for his sake remembering that the rulingruling passion of the Son of Man was not to dodo his own will but the will of Him who sentsent Him And so may the Lord of HeavenHeaven and earth grant unto each of you anan abundant entrance into his kingdom andand oa gracious reward for all vour your labor ofof MclntoshMclntosh loveAl loveAf floeM E McIntosh6 c6-

Annual Report of Corresponding SecretarySecretary

Mountain Iountain climbing is toilsomethe way Iountain is steep and long the path is rugged andand the effort exhausting But the summitsummit Vho thinks of the way or the labor asWho as one feels the bended heavens within nearernearer reach the sunshine flooding hill top andand vaHey the rough places smoothed by disvalley dis tance and an expanse of vision whichwhich abrings with it a consciousness of being aaapart of the universe The end of a year ofof experieexperiei in itslabor affords some such experience its retrospect in iretrospect and aspect And this year inspecial we stand on an elevation of dutyduty before an beforeand privilege never attained by any

Itsa point of observation that projects itsits backward horizon one hundred years toto whence day dawn of modern missions whencethe daydawn sprung into renewed force and beauty thesprung the for great commission commISSIon of our Lord and a forhori ward glance that brings nearer the horiseparate zon whose parting clouds shall separateour to permit the triumphal return of ourOur bloodblood Lord to the earth again eyes should bound with quicker pulse our eyeshands should clear for fuller vision our handsand should move with steadier purpose andto hearts should beat with higher hope to1892 Iivinn in this year vear of grace 1892be living ts months and days andand The record of its will of those preceding from May 1891 willashaveas have as doubtless be of interest to all who haveasMaryland sisted in making its pages from Marylandalso to Texas from Missouri to Florida as alsomany to the delegates who have traveled manyf1turefor futurefuture miles to help formulate plans for sister Orowt11 of the work This glorious sistergrowth hood of fourteen States united by thethe service Holy bands of loving Christian serviceknow with the one purpose to spread the knowof the truth at home and abroad is a-aaledge ledoeof blessed prophecy of the fulfilment of that blessedand appearing of our Lord andhope the appeang ChnstChrist Saviour Jesus ChristSaiour fol1owmgfollowing As a basis for the report the followingdone statistics will show the actual work done40774077 Letters written 348348 ritten Postnls written Postals 11255112553distribtd112553112553 distribtd112553 Leaflets and pamphlets distribtd 5889258892 Christmas envelopes distributed I



2462424624 Chapel or brick cards distributd 2039020390 Prayer cards h 77487748 Mite fit barrels or boxes it 757475747574 certificates Centennial j 29702970 Papers Papers beenbeen has correspondence of growth The ear a marked increase over that of last year per 340 more letters written or 50 per11340 1lissionMissionMission cent Cl1t advance The demands for 1Iissioncent literature have increased 100 per centenvelopes Nearly 8000 more Christmas envelopesaddi lwve been distributed while 2800 addihave workbarre1sindicateenlarged indicate enlarged work tional mite barrels CertifiCertifi 75000ertifi75000ertifi and 24000 chapel cards and 7500 and ac cates furnish entirely new avenues of acen tivity thity These figures show a most enofof CouraainfT couraging o b advance in the circulation -f 00of missionary information and methods ofwork RECEIPTSRECEIPTS THE RECEIPT-

IissionsMissions SThe contributions to Foreign MissionsThe and reported to WV M1 U are 2504027 andto Home Missions 1924253 making aaa-5292 total of 442S2SOan advance of 5292IisMis Iis year 1200 for Foreign Misover last yearS1200 hsslOnsMissions sions and 4000 for Home Missionsstrinestrin This advance in the face of financial strinStates gency which specially affected some Stateslast reducing their gifts below those of lastthe year is a subject of deep gratitude for thework broadening interest taken in the workthend is also a substantial augury for the sand end upon success of thecoming the coming Centennial year uponbuilt which such large hopes have been builtEwhich EXPENSES XPEXSES XPENSES EXPEXSEEXPENSEV M U have been expenses of W 150 136294 an increase of not quite 150SThe The

50 over er last year In consideration of the 50and cent Wadyance advance in correspondence andper centWadyance proportiondistribution istribution of literature the proportion yeryvery off expense has been kept down to a veryare low ratio No salaries or expenses areaid to officers A second typewriter hashas paid year to aid theIjeen the lJeen been purchased during the year the work but hashas speedier prosecution of the serviceseen no additional expense as the services been been during off an operator were dispensed with duringquite the summer when the work was not quiteex so laborious as at other seasons The exare penses of Womans Missionary Union arepenses and equally divided between the Home andBoardsPoreign Boards Foreign CARD THE TilE CHAPEL CAR-

and The preparation of the Chapel Card andsimple the Certificate with the circular simpleseeminyolyedseeminyolyed involvedseem involved as the finished product may seeminvolvedcorrespondence much thought protracted correspondencethe and even visits from the Secretaries of thefatalBoards to insure the making of no fatal mistakes and the smooth and satisfactorysatisfactorysatisfactory Ve would acknowworking workin of the plan We acknow di ledge here with humble gratitude that divine direction moulded the scheme for it DThe

elasticity hasevolyed evolved a comprehensiveness elasticityhas recognizedand adaptability that were not recognized suf in its conception One instance will sufwomen A society of poor working womenfice instruction who met to receive aid and instructionmight accepted the Cards to do what they mightourfor the cause of chapel building on our with frontiers They were made familiar withsympa the need for the chapels and their sympaenthusiasm thy aroused to a downright enthusiasmCertificate mid emulation to obtain the Certificateand re At the end of six weeks the Cards were reresult 86 was the astounding resultcalled and S8G ho can not use thethe of their efforts Who could if these poor women couldCards effectually efictuallifthese selfde As a register of selfdebe so successful maymama nials or thanksgivings the Cards may the proyc helpful to ourselves as well as to theprove through of themonecollected beneficiaries the money collected throughbeneficiaresof beneficiaries all car proper is allthem The Centennial year Bap ahead of us Can not every Southern Bapand tist take and fill one of these Cards andeWe-e eyery one else to do the same We urge every llrOe factfact fact believe beiee it iss possible Let us make it aafactTHE TIlE CHRISTMAS


di The loss of novelty has by no means diOffer minished the charm of the Christmas OffercontinuanceinO for the fourth year of its continuance ing wft1esses bevondwitnesses an advance in its gifts heyondabevond 498493years a total of 498493 all 11 previous yearsa 7 751 over last year at anan an excess of S4 S47754 1109711097 expense to the Foreign Board of 110DarnA very interesting program with an earnearn A furnished furmshedest appeal from the President furnishedingatllingathmaterials for a meeting the day of ingath connection cring which was observed in connectionering with GThe


CcnCen then approaching Cenrequcstsrequests tennial looming up with the large requestsroWoVthe Centennial Committee to Wo made by brthe would omans mission societies that they wouldmans Chapel assist in raising 250000 for a ChapelBuilding Fundin Building other Fund in view of this and otherfor pressing calls a special need was felt fordivine sug diine help A week of prayer was sugsulprepared gested and a topical circular preparedsocie which were cordially adopted by the sociere ties in the different States The entire reweek cord of the beneficent results of this weektestitesti of prayer is on high but many have testified to its real service as individuals andand read as societies in quickened interest and readiness for duty The Lord will be enquiredenquired with of by his people though he stands withblessings ready to dispense dispenseBdispensenblessings

In view of the



SThis line of work with all others purpur This re sued by WV M U has been by direct reItscommendation of one of the Boards Its good value as a farreaching agency for goodex has been more fully tested by time and exby tent and its wisdom is unquestioned bythose who have seen its blessed results

THE FOREIGN MISSION JOURNAL JOURNALreIt was feared by some that moneyed re the turns would be interfered with but the-

result shows that increased knowledge ofof corresponcorrespondcorrespond the needs through personal correspon ence has caused a growth in moneyed rere eUU ceipts to the Home Board from WY ML Uwhile the number of boxes has also adad yanced from 71 to 122 and the value from fromvanced comfort 4419 to 6776 The cheer and comfortS4419 which have gone with these boxes so redwhich red which love olent with sympathy and Christian loveof cannot be computed by the arithmetic ofval and publicly valenrth but will be known an earth nwardlIed one day when Christ shall be awardued award recognizeding his crowns as will also be recognized those the value of the service rendered by thosemissiona mssionaearth our missionauncrowned heroes of earthour the ries on the frontier Not the least of theservicebenefit Lencfit has been to those doing the service definitenessin its important element of definiteness those and personal contact by letter with thoseThe to whom the aid has been extended TheItntatIt work has been the life of many societies nt waning home while infusing new life into waningfrontier vitality on the frontierMissionarieslis5ionariesOurFrontierMissionariesOurFrontierMissionaries Frontier lis5ionaries The leaflet lOur ex eomposed largely of most interesting excomposed been tracts from missionaries letters has beenconnectionissued by the Home Board in connection issued work with this box workSMISSIONARIES IISSIOXRIESSUPPORT OF WOMEN MISSIONARIESUPPORT Mislislis funds Womens Mis of All undesignated

i55io11s are ap apsion Societies to Foreign Missions totalpropriated to this object The total 32000G32000 amount required is 3000G-

YAX HAVANA HAVANYAGIRLS IRLS SCHOOL IN II imim AThis deeply interesting and vitally imXThis This scsese be is to permanency if portant work A A-cured was begun in October 1891 A cured has fourth part of the church building has100 been been leen fitted for its use with space for 100most makin mostpupils Mr Ir Diaz has been making supported careful selection of those to be supportedthe b the societies at 120 per year that theby work return to the workmoney expended may return moner 1oney shall in the form of native teachers who shallhelpful themselves themsehes be sources of truth and helpfullatest ness to their less favored sisters By latestto advices adviees 18 have been assigned by name tounder societies or individuals who have undergiven gienlore money is giventaken their support More supsup in the suprepresented is 1n susocieties by than bv sodetieslsocieties pprt of these 18 girls but the societiesport deslglateddesignated 1ave not applied for specially designatedhave resident pupils Miss Joerg J oerg an American residentschoolit4 the school of Cuba is now connected witU No as teacher of English Mr Diaz says Notecthe other idea has been so well received by thetlusthis citizens itizens of Havana as a school of thisinkind kind There is large room for effort in moremore bumoresbutmorebut this direction On this same line bumore adnl1rableadmirable speedy peedy in its workings is the admirableCentral determination of the Alabama CentralCommittee to educate Pura Cova at Jud 111


son Institute Ala whence she will return return-

to Cuba thoroughly fitted as a colaborer colaborernative her nativeisland

in the work of evangelizing


EKnowledge inspi Knowledge is power interest and inspimaderation for this reason large effort is maemade mae onlonl to secure its dissemination not onlyonly butthrough leaflets which reach the few bttbut seen through hrough the State paper which are seenIn all Monthly communications are sentby sent hy the W Yo M1 U to Central Committees orby or ininother agencies for missionary columns in are State papers These communications areAlso in line with the Mission Card Topics AlsoForeignthe sixpage department in the Foreign monthlyJIissiolJ Journal is maintained monthly 4lfission Mission each and enlarged space the last page in eachoccupiedoccupied weekly weekh number in Kind Words is occupierinformaby AY M U to bring missionary informa tion to young people in a form to om suited tois an educaeduca their taste and years Years This IS overratedoerratedEtional force that may uav not be overrated CentennialEspecially is it of service this Centennial Especial specially Chapel year Year in keeping constantly the Chapeland Card and Certificate before the eyes andCard has minds of the young people A circular hasBoardbeen issued by the Sundayschool Board papaS B C urging the advantages of the pa teachersper and this department upon teachers papersand scholars The four Womans papers viz Baptist Basket Kentucky The InterInter NorthKorthMissouri Missionary Talk North change chanreMissouri exex CaToHna and Texas Worker are doing exCarolina fields fieldcellent service in their special fields-


sAMissionary M issionary A

theCalendar registering the

mission names and stations of all S B C missionstimulatingaries with appropriate and stimulating beenbeen Scripture texts appended to each has beenof issued by the Womans Mission Society ofGa GAugusta August Galeaflets from Home andand ofleaflets Larger aLarcr grants of thanbeen distributed than ForeilYn Boards have beendistrihuted Foreign Fitchburg lial Davis of FitchburgIr Mial ever before Mr eer grantnrantgrantrant las5 has again kindlv furnished a grant Mass umberinCT 30000 With the mite boxes numbering either4940 have also been distributed either AA or AMrs r5 Picketts Missionary Box Only Iite Boxes Two leaflets OnlyTalk on Mite have a Dime and A Missionary Potato havebands been issued to bandsOFFICIAL


Ex SBeside Beside extended correspondence the Expersonal ecutiye Committee has had the personalecutive of aid of the secretaries and other officers ofBell the year viz Drs Belthe Boards during thejear and Jones while thethe lHarris Tichenor and Harris sep President Presidnt of WY ML U has made three sepherarate visits to assist the work by her counselscounsels DEBE130 BE WHAT SHALL IT 130FUTUREWHAT THK THR TIM FUTURE yearAn outline of the work of the past year An

standpointas seen from the Secretarys standpoint be has been passed in review We may be-



accomplishedsorry sorrv that more was not accomplished so may rejoice with humility that sove inay we outlookmuch was done But from either outlook cannot it is passed and finished and we cannotus recall it But the future lies all before usgatherigather What shall its record be In the gatherocca ing inspiration of this Centennial occanfr sign upon sion shall it be only a slight advance uponbe what we usually do Ought it not to beof a bound a leap forward to altitudes ofbe endeavor and success undreamed of beunrespon If this spur shall find us unresponfore spirit sive she what must we think of the spiritus within usdwelling Ve are living we are dwellingWe time In a grand and awful timetelling ages tellingIn an age on aes sublime sublimTo be living is sublimebuilding We rer e are proposing to aid in buildingsim chapels at home and abroad modest simbebeple structures wherein God may be to worshipped At the same time we are tobeside be rearing immortal structures besideshall which the glory of Solomons temple shallthe pale into shadow Wee are to dig in thedegradation quarry of ignorance and sin degradationbe and misery for the stones which may bepatternfashioned and moulded after the pattern givengiven goenof the Redeemer himself To us it is goen imperish and imperishto work with such valuable an only able materials whose possibilities are onlyGods limited by the boundlessness of Godsyou havehave of haerace Has each one ushave grace 1lbuilded builded one such stone into the temtem Ibuilded thntple of God that It is but a small part thatW turnwe can hope to do at best So as we turn thatour glance forward may we resolve that wasted none of the coming year shall be wastedtemsection of the teiiimal our tem ourseetion Then shall we make worthy of our illustrious predeple of God worthyof prede cessors of Paul of Augustine LutherLuther Vesley Carey and the innumerable comWesley com their pany of builders who have gone to theireverlasting rewardAnnie 11lr ArmstrongArmstrong Report Treasurers Annual ReportWVWrs J F Pullen Mdd W The report of Mrs

M1 U Treasurer was given with detaileddetailed statements for each State The total forfor the year was 4428280 of which 25 Board 04227 were sent to the Foreign Boardand 1924253 to the Home BoardBoard making an advance of 5292 on lastlast face year Year This advance has been in the faceoff financial stingency specially affecting affectingsome States and reducing their gifts belowbelow previous years but more than compen compensated for by the increased gifts of othersothers increasemore fortunately situated This increase of gifts is a subject of deep gratitude andand a substantial augury for the success of thethe Centennial year upon which such largelarge hopes have been built A backward glance

organization to 1SSS when the general organizationyear was effected shows a total for that yearForeign of 20000 for both Home and Foreigneffective effectivear of its effectiveMissions in the fourth year service t4000eserice the total has reached over 4400044000 ef with no church U disintegrated by the ef-

interestedfort with women aroused and interested to as never before with children enlisted tocause their own profit and that of the causeto and with a general enthusiasm rising tohonestlyhonestly which the womans work may Honestlhonestlyclaimat claim work at least a share While the workclaimat of has increased 50 per cent the increase ofratioexpenses has been kept to a very low ratio A total of 136294 covered typewriter typewriterexpress and typewriting clerk postage expressexpenses age and printing No salaries or expensespaid to officers

Reports State ReportseachBesides the financial report from each exhibitState as shown by the treasurers exhibit report speaking of successessuccesses a written report eachhycachhycach each methods and needs was presented by it full or if too longlong State The report in be n space an abstract thereof will befor one given these columnsinthesecolumnsinthesecolumns columns riven as early as possible in hopeful Tlie The tone of the reports was very hopefulbe an their individual suggestions will beand helpful mutualIy helpfulmutually ForeignRecommendations of Home and Foreign Com Boards and Executive Committee W M U-UU-

The program throughout all the sessions sessionsre was formulated upon the following recommendations with the explanatoryexplanatory in inpreamble Each recommendation was inthen troduced by a special speaker and thenleft open for general discussion beforebefore All were cordiallycordially taking the vote adoptedadopted IissionaryIissionary As Womans MissionaryMissionary Preamble Union is auxilary to the Southern BapBap work tist Convention and carries on its workin cooperation with the Boards of thethe Convention the following recommenda recommendations from the Home and Foreign BoardsBoards UU and the Executive Committee W M1 Upresentedare presented fisMis fis Home Board That Womans Mission Societies make moneyed cOl1tributioncontribution contributionthrough the Boards for the support ofof missionaries and their families on the fronfron VmWmtrer tier and elsewhere Wm Speaker Dr J WinJonesJones Foreign Board women That all womenmissionaries of the Southern Baptist ConCon vention in foreign lands be presented toto V omans Mission the Wo Womans lissionarv theirfortheirMissionary their for arv Societies fortheir support Number 54 Total of salaries andSpeakers Miss fiss L Moon and32400 and 11rs C WV Pruitt Mrs

THE FOREIGN MISSION JOURNALJOURNAL Executive Execl1tivcCommittee EYecutiveComrnittee1V111 Committee IV A U7 Execl1tivcCommittee ThatThat missionary intelligence be widely diffusediffused dthrough through increased circulation of fheorgans fheorgansthe theorgansorgansorgans of the Board viz the Foreign MissionfissionMission Kil1Kind Journal and Our Home Field also Kinddnords for use of young people that leafWords leaf lets be distributed and columns in StateState papers be utilized that missionary paperspapers conducted by Central Committees oror otherwise be recognized as efficient aidsaids doing valuableservice valuable service Speaker Dr J A-r AI JMM


year 1issSpeakers Rev Re A J Diaz and Aliss Aliss1iss Joergoer Joerg oerExecutire UExecutive Committee WM U ThatThat the special occasion of aa- Certennial celece1e ce1ebratiol1 be made the opportunity of secubration secu ring a contribution from every young perper son and child and that this interest bebe made permanent by enlisting their coope cooperation in Societies and Bands rntion SpeakerSpeaker C CAirs K Sloan S CMrs l1rs


IFrost FrostFrost

clothiHome Hoard That boxes of clothcloth nlT ing and other useful articles be sent to thethe frgntier frontier and other needy missionariesmissionaries Number Xumber of boxes sent last year 120 ValVal ue 670144 Speaker Mrs Mr D EarEar

Tenn le Tennley

1is1is Mis Foreign Board That Womans Mission Societies assist in collecting the CenCen tennial Offering of 125000 to be exex pended in chapel building Bible transla translathattion and other permanent work and that includ this general effort be considered as includfor ing the special effort already alread making forChape1111 SpeakerChapel in Rio Janeiro Brazil Speaker Ellis Dr F AI1 EllisisMis is Home Board That Womans Miscollectsion Societies and Bands assist in collecticollect infT nfT 125000ing the Centennial Offering of 125000 tol building to be expended in Chapel buildingEllis Speaker Dr F M1 EllisJl nMIL U ThatThat Executive Executi1e Committee IV Prayer be recognized as a chief factor ofof as success in the Centennial effort as well assucess at in results achieved by missionaries atalso home and abroad that each worker alsoAsAsssneeds consecration through prayer 111Mis an aid to purpose in prayer the Mis1rs1rs 5sion Speaker MrsMrs sion card is commended sion Tenn L B Telford Tennfor That the object forForeign Foreibrn Board of increase ofnext Christmas Offering be the ttlcrease Dr Speaker Drmissionan force in Japan missionary BellT P BelBell H Af U ThatThat Committee IV lExcclltireCol1mittec lExecutiveCornmittee ExcclltireCol1mittec Executive ofnumberofof numberof the need exists for increasing the number There contributors to missionary work Theresecure at least 1-11fore the definite aim to secure tewhe te eyery Baptist woman wheannually annuallv from even society ther connected with a missionary societyltssMiss ltss Speaker Missor not is commended IdAidAid Id Annie WV Armstrong MdT TV M LT ThatThat ExecutiToc Committee WMU Executive CenCen providing of necessity the absolute fund forfor with an expense fund tral Committees with and postage and stationery be recognized andse that plans be devised in In each State to seB-frs F BB Speaker Airs cure such a fund Dayis Davis TexasTexas 1 100- 1 school sc 100 That the Cuban schoolHorne Board Home now nvtday school nowfor girls irJs boarding and da receive continue to receiverce1ethoroughly thoroughlv rce1e estabtihdco1tinue horouhly established SOCtetteSocieties V oman s Alission Societiesthe aid of Womans sStpport of a boarding scholar 120 per Support



Committees CommitteesSummary Summary of ReportsReports Committees on Credentials Aliss J PolPol Jard lard Va Chairman reported 65 deledele enrolled gates enrolledCommittee on Plan of Work Airs I C-CCBrown Ala Chairman reccommendedreccommended additionally additionallv to plans already adoptedadopted special 1st systematic collections 2nd special3rdmethod of interesting young people 3rd3rd Instrucinstruc care of Chinese in America 4th instruction of foreigners in Gospel truth 5th5th religious training of colored womenwomen womnCommittee on Nominations Aliss E S-SSgiven Broadus Ky Chairman Report givenelections under the head of electionsCommittee on Resolutions Airs frs JuliaJulia ResolvedIiss Chairman Resolved Toy jJohnson ohnson Aliss Centennial Centenma1st to derive profit from this CentennialAI-IIV MMissionary AI llIissionary awakening 2nd that W Alissionary reposedU has been honored by th the trust reposed in them by the Boards in the committalcommittal 3rd3rd of important work to their care Srdthanks thanks to executive officers 4th thanksree for hospitality 5th appreciation of respecmlspecial ven 6th season of specialceptions given day Lord s dayprayer for Alissionaries each Lords pra ver fo condensed 7th one session per day with condensedforfor State reports 8th thanks to God qod forState of life of members during thethe preservation ofJife presenatioll year past year1st1st Special resolutions were offered hehe deeply regretting the retirement of thethe requesting requesbngPresident from office 2nd requestingdUrilgduring special monthly seasons of prayer duringCommItCommit the Centennial year by Central Commitof tees and societies in behalf of the work ofY AIr U of 3rd opposing the opening ofW Sunday the Columbian Columhifn Exposition on Sundaye-

Service-eeSunday Service

was An interesting Alissionary service wasof held on Sunday afternoon under charge ofaddressesMiss Aliss Iiss F E Heck N C when addresses Mrs MrAirsAirs were made by Miss Aloon and 11rsJoergsPruitt of North China Alisses Joerg Pruitt pronounced Yerg and Clotilde Diaz ofof pronounced hsMiAlis iss Everett formerly Alishs Cuba and Aliss presentassionary sionary sionaY to Alexico Upon the presenta Ala of need the needoftbe EaerAla lrs G B Eager tion by Airs C Taylor Bahia for a modemode 15 Z CTaylor b Airs by loss lssof conveyance on account of the sad losscontnbutIOncontributionof her limb a most generous contribution



her proved the tender sympathy felt for her30941 were subscribed for a-aaeondition condition and buggy and pony a copying machine andHenry Irs Henrynees Mrs for other personal needs ofHillyer Hilher not a Baptist made offering of release 100 as a thanksgiving to God for releases100 from 50 fromfrom a crippled limb and CC from S Cnameless was who another bene her gratitude for the spiritual benevoiced hergratitude meetingsthemeetillgs meetings the fit and the uplift derived from themeetillgsElectionsThe Elections


to Miss lIiss Mi E Mclntosh having declined tonomination aHow her name to go into nominationallow See md Mrs frs J-JJRecSecand frs Jas and Mrs J as Pollard Rec folfllalso declining the fol Trcasureralso F Puller Treasurer ballot lowing officers were elected by ballotowing President Miss lliss Fannie E Heck X C PresidentY Cor Id CorArmstrong Md iss Annie W Miss EHiEllis Tesponding responding Secretary Mrs F ML Ellisrecording Secretary Mrs MLI L-E-EEs1d Md was Oliver Md Treasurer Baltimore wasCommit chosen for location of Executive Commitgen tee which is composed of the above genat eral officers the VicePresidents see list atand heading of department in Journal andelectedthe local board of nine who were elected asas Mrss Jas JasJasGregoryIrs as follows Mrs 0 F Gregory CPollard Miss Alice Armstrong Mrs C-C Irs JasTurnbull Mrs Ym Nimmo Mrs Jas ullins Mrs lrs J A-AATyler Mrs E Y Mullins YIVY 1r8 IV Smith formerly of Texas and Mrs Baltimore R Barnes all of BaltimoreY-

Notes Incidents and Notesex very charming receptions were exTwo ver atU at Dat1tended to the delegates of WV M UatOr Gov Northens and the Atlanta OrMrs Irs Go was phanage and an informal reception was50so also tendered the missionaries These sodesired eial gatherings promoted a much desiredcial possiblacquaintance with each other not possible MrMrrreat sessionsIrlat the crowded business sessions sessionsIr gene lass whose geneMial Iial Davis Fitchburg Mass Iial rous gifts of leaflet literature have marked


organizations recordsrecords his sent a very appreciative telegram of hisMrs S S-SSestimation of womans work workMrs TheThe Dodge Ga read an original poem on TheBap 11ission Mission of America dedicated to the Bapof rs Calloway Ga ofGeorgia Mrs tists of Gcorgial1rs expres Ml E Church South gave public expresadmiration sion to her enjoyment of and admirationsion M-I V M for the delightful meetings held by W the U D The pages were young girls from thellSas churches in Atlanta who kindly served asMiss llissMr Diaz MissMrDiaz they the were called upon hymnhymn 11m sang a Spanish hymnJoergsang Diaz 11Diz and Miss Joerg oergJoerg oerg mArrangements Arrangements were made for Miss Joergthe to hold nine meetings in the interest of theSouth Cuban school as she travels through SouthlaryMary lary and North orth Carolina Virginia and Marythe land The Home collections taken at thebe and will beamounte to 3360 m meetings amounted Havana expended expendtd in furniture for the HavanaHavatotoMrs Irs Gambrill Miss hopes to school school naschoollr manu receive receiTe donations of furniture from a manuDiaz factory in Meridian Miss which Mr Diazunvar said could be entered duty free if unvartU1thatthatnished Mrr Diaz publicly stated that arnishedlr boarding only orphans were received as boardingidea scholars in the Havana school This ideastatements did not agree with previous statementsin but hut was explained privately to mean inwho some cases children with parents whoDiaz Mrr Diazwere invalids or worthless support thought is children who have no supportTheThe from parents practically orphans Hospitalitychainllan of Committee on Hospitality chairman com Mrs Irs A JJ Orme with members of her comin mittee were most faithful and untiring indutiesthe performance of their arduous duties of The sessions are now a rich memory ofGod association with chosen workers for Godservicewhose companionship in Christian service for The outlook foris a real benediction benedictionThe proyed business methodsmethods improved the future in im of hearty cooperation enlarged standard ofenthusiasmgiving growing missionary enthusiasm hdphelp and conscious dependence on divine helpof this outlook is bright as the promises ofeach year of the





odSUNBEAM CORNERNuSUNBEAM CORNER the societies organized 505 amount reported to U Cousin George for theNumber mber ofApril Send 15 1892 371382 Reported since April 15 1892 25351 Sendending year Rich Re H A Tuppcr D D P 0 Box 134 Richmoney to your State treasurer or to Rev Geo Braxton Taylor Re Cousin George Macon GaGa mond Va and reports to Rev un any anyone one willing to unSunbeam Constitutions and Hints will be sent free to any SeeSee 01 a Sunbeam society sodet upon application to Cousin George dertaketheorganization dertake the organization ota above a




SelectedSelected elected 1


colda dash of water cold

And a little leaven prayerprayer And a little bit of sunshine goldgold Dissolved in the morning air

merrimentAdd to your meal some merriment kiukiu And thought for kith and kinAnd then as your prime ingredientingredient A plenty of work thrown inin



The Sunbeam Missionary MissionaryTle fol1oing societies are entitled to a place

011 the Honor Roll in tIle Corner Cornert contnlmted as follows to the Sunbeam 1lissionarv Fourth Street Richmond 5 Two Sunbeams 10 Sundayschool Sunbeam Society 1st ch lfacon Ga Va 10 SUIleams Houston Va 3 Sunbeams lIarion Va 5 Lula Vhilden Sun hearns CItadel Squre ch Charleston SSC C 9 Bruington Va Sunbeams 10 Enon 5 Total Sunbeams Ochre Vaa Ve have made a beginning Let us raise the 52 We 600 promptly Send the money to Dr Tupper stating that it is for the Sunbeam Misllissllis slOnary sionary and report the amount to Cousin GeorgGeorge lOnary


eReports Reports from

Fieldthe Field

The Sunbeam Bands in Charleston S C are numerous and successfu1 WmVmThe Vm Carey reports 356 the Shuck 1208 the Happy now known as the JudsonJudson Sunbeams 747 Part of this money came from selfdenia1Biloxi selfdenial Biloxi Miss liss 215215 These Sunbenm have just had their first public meeting They hope to have one everyevery quarter First ch Nashvi1Ie Tenn Sunbeams have interesting meetings with 1515 to 20 in attendance and report 2525 The Howell remorial Sunbeams had somesome time ago a bazaar and made 955 First ch Vilmington N C gave 26672667 during the last year nul they cry Forward South Boston Sunbeams 924924 us Rev S H Thompson gave us a lecture on Cuba which was listened to attentively Luray Va 20 Seven of the Sunbeams here are faithfu1 Let all fall into 1ineThe Theline The 1ineTheSSunbeams unbeams at RichardsviJIe have reorganized If your society is disbanded will youyou not start afresh South Anna Va Sunbeams 2 Bad weather and long distancesdistances have kept these Sunbeams from doing all they wished but they are going to work hard hardA new society has been organized at Durant Miss during the summer MissMiss Georgie WV icholson leader Upper King Queen Va 897 The Pine ForestleaderUpper Forest Sunbeams Greemi1Je Association S C will give their collections for the rest of thethe A Bruington Sunbeam thinks the year thetheYear for tjie support of the Sunbeam Missionary Sunbeams ought to have more than one missionary Vhy not several have Let us haveone first however Besides 10 for the Sunbeam Missionary Iissionaf Bruington sends 10 forfor Bethel Sunbeams Russell co Va Mrs lIas lrs Mf T Yates Leesburg Ga lIas475 YatesBethe1 members The Sunbeams of the 1st ch Birming a new Sunbeam society with 25 membersThe Green Sprins Alabama has a Sunbeam society with over ham Ala report 50 Newberry S C Sunbeams shine continuously and brightly Theymembers They 10 membersNewberry 1946I1946Part of this was gained by the tatent planLongmires S C 1946 report II CI Our Sunbeams are flourishingonesboro Ark 15 The Bennettsville S CC lfrsSunheams are again called upon to mourn one of their members Their leader MrsSunbeams lfrs have Anna lf Pratt died rarch 13th The Violet Sunbeams and the Villing Yorkers haveA Sunbeam society has been organized at atpassed resolutions expressing their grief 1IcKinzie Tenn McKinzie










MISSIONS RECEIPTS FOR FOREIGN MISSIONS1892From AFril 15th to April 30th 1892 ALAnAMABy W B Crumpton C S of which 1300 for Zacatecas 250 for North China ALAYABy 4815G By M1s Julia B Stewart W M S Sumtervllle ch 3 S S-SS250 for Centennial WW 375 Sl1dy Grove eh by J W2 Alexander City ch by Geo E Brewer SumtervilIe ch Sumterville Cen idway ch 707 L A S MIdway ch 333 CenBarkley 8 By T II StoutSunbems Midway c 1 chc S ch 185 L F M oodlawn MISSter Ridge ch 3 L A S Center RIdge eh 2 Umon ch MISS 11 Forest Home Sunbeams by Missby Mrs rs J L Johnson of which 1 for Xorth China bySunbeamsbyby Sunbeamsby Pennie Glenn Tr 630 Mt Pisgah ch by W JD Rorex Tr 365 uskegee Sunbeams HopsonOpehkamissionary 3158 By 1V M1 HopsonOpehka M G Campbell of which 10 for Sunbeam ImsslOnary 10 for CentenCenten ch 2289 W M S Opelika ch 811 By W n Crumpton C S of whichUmty ch by JnoG8188 Jno nial aud 2250 for support of missionary of Birmingham Ason VWV 1 By W E E Mrs ch lorgan Creek lrs 225 22 Mathews athews 1025 By W C StewartTown C S B W Crumpton By W of w hich B Crumpton C S Centennial 9190 10 for of which 1528G1 1528611 for North China 14224 Total 1528G1G81073G81073 Previously reported 528212 Total this year 681073A27 Fnenshlp ch by E E Folk RKANSASS AJlKASASS S 1st ch Eureka Springs by Geo West by Cen for CenMrs W A aynard fo 170 By J B Searcy V P 2125 Jonesboro Sunbeams ch8G J J Taylor SOCiety Arkadelphla ch tennial 5 By J H AmackerArkadelphia ch 5 cabt ch by R J o1eman 650650 15 Osceola S S V W GardnerOsceola ch S27 27 By W C C15 Forest CIty ch by Z CBy BJ J B Searcy V P 10910 Star City ch by O Ai1 Lucas 215 Taylor 36917 5937 Total 36917By J n Searcy V 1 410 162910Previously reported 125993 Total this year 162910 Lsupport of Rev S LL FLORJDABy L Baldwjn Banana 7 By W N Chaudom Tr for suppo FLORIDABy Ginsburg 75 By W N Chaudoin Tr for support of Rev S L Gmsburg 1583 TotaJ 2078320783 145915Previously reported 125192 Total thIs year 145915




GEORGIA EORGIA Mrs S C Lynch Hamilton by H D D Straton 1 North GEORGIAMrs LGEORGrrs c GEORGrrs GeoNqrth Newport ch by Geo By J G Gibson C S for Jt A Brunson Blount 5 D nmson Japan Salhe R 11lssionary V S W Americus eh b y Mrs rs Katte F Shaw Tr F MI 150 15 By C Prmtt 16001 Reported as received by W D Powell in Mexico for Davis Fund 2175 Lulu ch by ML M L CarsCars V Ashburn Eastman Y AY rs W well 5 By Mrs 25 Total 253004P253604P253604 previously reported 1042717 Total this year 1296321IPreviously reviously 1290321IN12963211296321 INDIANA By Miss B P Kinse DIANA Kinsey Paxton 2-22NDIANABy 1NDIUBy KANSAS By Mrs KANSASBy Irs C W Hard Hardy Waterville 2-22Previously reported Previouslv 780 Total this year 980980 KEXTUCKYW MS KENTUCKYW M S East ch Louisville by Miss 1iss Mary Troxler 650 Mr Ir Josephus Vanderen B J Davis New Liberty 5 By Jno A Lee Brooksville Libert bby BJ B J W Warder C S 20 By ofof which 100 fr011 from Mrs Martha H Norton 500 from Miss Hss Lucie Norton 200 from Miss Iiss Mattie Norton 200 from Mrs X Caldwel1 lrs Minnie NCaldwelI37 B Marvin and 2250 37 from Mrs J BlIarvinand Irs JBMarvin 2fiOrom 50 from MrsJL Mrs L J lrsJ of Smith for Centennial 157476 Forks of Elkhorn ch bby C T Freeman 3330 Forks Duck River ch by T D Chesnutt Tr 20 New Liberty ch by BJ B J Davis 25 Buck Run ch by F W Eberhardt 20O Seminary V B McGarity V ML S Seminar Students by W 25 W eh istch Owensboro bby Mrs Irs Moses Tharp of which 251 for North China L M1 S Provii 3251 dence ch by E S Alderman AV V MI W V S 1625 Broadway ch Louisville by Mrs M D Thompson 11 Tr 6775 Salem Asson bby B F Hampton 1 By F Bruce Moore Ioore Plum Lick 5 By Miss E S Broadus Prest C C W V MI S of which 3350 for Centennial and 4 for Chin3 Chinal 4250 Missionary l1issionar Society S B T S by Mcnta Sturgeon of which J2173 for Cen tennial 15524 By E E Bomar Sterling ch Mt SterJin DomarIt 5730 L A 15 ASS Mt Sterling ch 15f Warsaw ch by Mrs Irs Sallie G Fallis 30 By Vm Haynsworth Hay nsworth of which 301 from Manches ter ch 801 Sanders ch by J E Crouch 9 Young Ladies Mtt Yernon ch bby L O Daw son for Mrs McCollum 515 V Warder C S By J W 15 ByJ V FGnTl1ettUopkins W F 100150 By WFGnrnett Hopkins ville ch 7385 WY M S Hopkinsville ch 745 Sunbeams Hopkinsville ch for Sunbeam missionary 12 By J W Warder 1 A By M Howell Buffalo 7735 5 By Miss E S Broadus Prest C C W M1 S 3965 Dallasburg ch by B J Davis 20 By B Miss 1iss Lulie Delph Tr C C W M1 S 22108 Total 370266 370200370266Previously reported 595852 Total this year 900118 LOUISIANA LOUlsIAXABy By G A Turner Tr V TomkiesA 100 00 By C W Tomkies A Friend 2 Jas Scott Tom kies 1 By J E B G A Turner Tr 1 By heatchie Hamilton 125 Monroe ch by R L Prophit 6905 Coliseum Place ch New ew Orleans by B W Bussey 20 By G A Turner Tr 200 By G A Turner Tr 150 Total 66805 Previously reported 124108 Total this year 190913 MARYLAND Immanuel ch Baltimore by Geo O Manning JARLAsDImmanue1 aI1ning Tr 44 By Levering Y P Franklin Sq ch Baltimore 4225 Eutaw Place S S Baltimore 140Joshua PFranklin By E Levering Co Baltimore for Zacatecas 71378S Immanuel ch BaltimoreBaltimoreltO by P Frames Tr 6350 V M toW by Mrs W Irs E Levering Tr 3034 By Joshua Levering V Jas WMtoW P Eutaw Place ch Balti PEutaw more 40699 Franklin Sq ch Baltimore 5175 1st ch Baltimore by E Calvnr Williams By J Harry TylerFulton 22081 ByJ Tyler Fulton Avenue ch Baltimore 2078 MI B U A 2708 22081 708 Total 1767281767281818Previously Previously reported 478336 Total this year 055004 MEXICO By J G Chastain and wife Matehuala IEXICOl1y Previously reported 980 Total this year 1658678 MISSISSIPPI MlsSISSIPIIGrenada Grenada ch by EB E B Miller Iille 80 Handsboro ch by C M Liddle 10 Fellow ship ch by C B Massengale Iassenale 410 By D T Chapman Tr Gen Asson 2100 Armstrong Soc Columbus by Mrs Bettie Gaston Tr of which 750 for Centennial 2750 By B WY Griffith Tr of which 11905 from W V MS M S and designated as follows W1 2375 for Centennial 4 for North China 9 for Brazil 623 ByJT By ByJJ T Christian C S of which 20 for E Z Simmons CS 220 Biloxi Sunbeams by Miss Iiss Nellie Champlin 115 Corinth ch by S D Bramlitt 4675 4075by G H Carter 3 HolIySpringsch Starkvi1le eh byG Holly Springs ch by E D 1il1er 1100 By ByJ J R Burriss Baldwin eh 1815 Mtt Oliye Olive ch Fel10wship eh 2070 B W Grimth By 415 48 of which Trt from WV M S designated as foHows for Centennial 1350 for Mexico IexicoJ 21499 Wi nona church by C E Kent 6395 155 B y J C Roberts Centenille 10 Hansboro Sun beams and Childrens Aid Society by WV R Washington ashinton 300 Sardis church byy L NNBrCek 2020 Crjstal Spring ch by I N Anding 1J 130 Hazlehurst eb by B D Grn Gray of WhICh 10 from L M S for Centennial and 3 from 1875G Dy J T Christian C S 250 L A and lI S 15th Ave eh MeridianSunbeams Mrs CW Burgess br 1st eh 1090 Meridian by J WV Bozeman 15 Total 199709 Previously reported 383326 Total this year 583035 MISSOURI 1ISS0URIBy By A E Rogers Tr By M M1 Rhoades Graham By1 12 By R H Doug Dou las Caruth 10 Houstonia ch by L61140 H Spurgeon 4 By A E Rogers Tr of which 5625 from YWV M S 600 Received byZCTavlorof by byZZ C Taylorof11iss 69j Taylorof Miss Alice Coshore 70e ch Coshore70c Independence 1st by A A Baldwin 75 IO Total 131310 Previously reported 651128 Total this year 782438 NORTH CAROLINA CAROLIXABy By J D Boushall Tr of which 15478 for North China B By J D Boushall Tr 76293 1st cb Wilmington by T H Prichard 3780 Theo S65478 Ebeltoft Shelby 1 Mrs Ruth S Ebeltoft Shelby 1 By D Boushall Tr ByJ 1500 Total 295751 Previously reported 544525 Total this year 840276 NORTH CAROLINA WESTERN CONVENTION By A H Cobb Tr of which 4875 from 1st ch COExTroXBy Asheville for Mrs lrs Greene Tr 960 Total 13779 10649 Waynesville ch by Geo Wharton 2170 j By A H Cobb Previously reported 115821 Total this year 129000 SOUTH CAROLINA 2d ch Columbia by W Y Abraham Tr CAROLIX2d 8 i By H M Anderson Tr Wacamaw Asson sson 1808 By I M1 Smith Brush River S S 350 Broad River ch SmithDrush 215 V J Snider By W SntderHlekory Hickory Grove ch 216 Santee ch 938 Clover by R G Patrick 121 C MJ S Mtt Zion ch by WV J Langston 120 Goucher Creekchurch 121l ch by J D Huggins 1025 Limestone Springs ch by Jas J as D Templeton 8 McCormick S S J Saunders Ed efield Association byj 185 Edgefield by J C Whitlock Tr 576 Hebron ch by W byR GGregg 287 By J H StoneClearmont Stone Clearmont ch i Coneros ch 11I E Johnson 116 75c Union ch by H 376 Zion Hill ch by J H Webber yebber Tr 82c Welch Neck ch by J L Wilson Tr EJohnson Montmo 2128 renci S S by W H Kneece 2 Foreston S S by A White 150 By L C EzeUIi1ford i White15 Vhite150i eh 475 Padgetts Creek ch 5 Cherokee ch by WJ W Johns 105 Green St eh Spar nburg by J A Dodd 225 West tanburg Union ch J B Callas 5 SallV eh by J A Bell 2 Abbeville ch by T L Moore for Centennial 10 byFlint ch by Wm F Boyd oyd Tr 18 20 By 1820










eat Springs ch 320 New Hopech 455 Hope eh SmithWet 235 By J W Blanton pastor 455P SmithAft byA McCrackan2 Mt Elon ch by E H Hearon b Langley ch by 370 Saul Dam ch by 2250 Swift Creek ch by N N Burton 27 Mizpah ch by M R Sanders 4-44J B Platt D 11 West Jordan Tr 310 Troy ch by D W Dowden Tr 4 Due WestFort Lawn ch by D Atkinson Tr E T AtkinsonTr ch by J A Brown 10 Antioch ch by J H co*ker 275 Chester ch by ET A PendletonPendleton c h by Cowperseh Cantrell Derieux W Cowpers 2426 J T 541 Spartanburg ch 10 B C LampleyUnion ByB ch 1510 Hebron ch430Lampley Union eh1510 ch430 Stt ch Greenville by I M Mercer 4 By eeh Hartsville eh WoodrutfHartsvi1Ie C G By eh R I Woodruff r y 630 By 115 J PatncYorvllle Clo ch A AIartsvIt1e S S 1136 Byy lrs A E Evans Cheraw 10 Montmorenci eh by Ah1u7 1u7 W 2151by jno 2151 Chtles Tr 5 Florence eh by W J Brown Tr 93 Horeb eh Ty Buist 293 Dust Pond Liberty LIbert eh by T A MeNmch Tr 5 Newberry S S by jno S Carwile 810 Green PondDamascus ch by J E LeRoy 385 Mt Tabor ch by J C WatkinsS-SSchh by S B Ezell 183 p1mascls ch 5 Greene St ch Spartanburg Whitney hltney ch DoddWhitney 465 Greene St S DoddJ 110 By J A Dodd 15 Spartanburg spartanburg 189 Edisto ch by D W Key 1 Johnston ch by W S Mobley Tr 15484Dry 1164 Beech Island eh by jas C Gardner Tr 484 Drr Creek eh by J II Edwards Tr CoCo eh 2d A Boldridge C H y 435 Jordan 336 Lake Swamp ch by West Creek ch by J Ezell AbncrsCrkeh Yeldell 1 Abncrs Crk ch by L CCEzell by W H Yeldell1 Abraham 350 Bethanr eh byW by W Y YAbraham350 lumbia byW chch Y H Kneece Fairvieweh221 Philippi ell by W H Timmerman 20 Fairvieweh 41 Deth Car ell by W MilAllMil S Croxton 250 Lynchburgchbyjno Lynchburgch by Jno M Mi11 79 Heath Spring ch b by Jno SCroxton250 by II Fowler 170 5 1 EdistoG T Cook Edisto eh by IMcSmithTr leSmith Tr 15 Mechanicsville ch by GTCook5 Jer ler ier 325 Bush River chby WW S S Convention by A W Corbett 550 Young Mens Class Limestone S S by Miss P WCumWm Cum Mrs ch 5 Swamp D Dean Lewisville 175 By ch Crosland II CroslandLewisville Fuller 578 Greenville ilkins byAA C Wilkins mings McNeill by 500 By W W Keys Treasurer Ex Board GreenvilleTreasurer ary Harley 8530 By Miss F P Wilson TreasurerAssociation of which 150 for Mary JSsoclLltlOn 1717317173 of which 2845 for Mary Harley and 659 for North China C C WM S WW by Geo W11anning church by F O Richardson Tr 15 Citadel Square church Charleston Manning MtI McGee Mt M by 115 ch B A Columbia 57c Kay by Ka lcIver 955 Georges Creek ch Mclver Alclver ehch 11 Bishop 320 Fairview ch by T D G Gregory 150 Flint Hill chCalvary ch by II M Saluda 3 Blackstock ch by T B McKeown 10 By W F Cox Tr Saludaby W F Boyd Tr 117496Asson 24041 1st ch Columbia by W H Lyles Tr 120 Total 117496 1098365T1098365Previously reported 980869 Total this year 1098365 cheheh S S Class 1st IstchDr Wilsons Istch ch 5331 Jackson OConnor 1st ehJaekson TENNESSEE ENNESSEE TEXXESSEBy TnNxEssYGBvBy Wm J OConnor1st Hillch JohnHill eh by John Jackson for Brazil 315 By W S Duncan Powells Station 1 Woodlawn Shank S E S ShankbyMiss Miss SES R A Beauchamp 5 Ladies Woodlawn ch by Bulah ch by RA Dulaheh A Rodman Roman55 BulahchbyRABeauchamp HH per R Honesboro ch by wjll land for North China 147 Jonesboro wtll of Mrs Chap Aiken deceased perR T by TTChattanooga S S ch 1st Assnn 760 R G Craig Tr Memphis Ass Uungan Tr 50 By RG Dungan Dunan ch by L C Howse Wilson 1742 By Mrs M1 C Wingo Trezevant 1 L M S Harmony TWilson T Wilson Nan I W Hooper 830 W M S North Edgefield ch by Miss Nan10 L M1 S Newport ch bv L O OO2 By Onie P Settle 2 Ladies Rubin Ross ch by Mrs Geo R Calhoun for North China Memphis nle Memphis40 By R G Craig Tr Hailey fr Tenn Assn of which 1050 for Centennial L HaileyTr 1175075075 by R W Norton 6675chby Assn 545 By Mrs Bettie Garrett Pocahontas 510 SUnion city eh 10 Shankland Tr C C W M S 101iss S E 2450 By Miss Ripley ch by H D Glass Tr 1st30 Mossy Creek ch by J T Henderson 673 1st Maple oaple Springs ch by G M Savage 4 30 6641 L M S-SSeh Knoxville by Carter Helm Jones 100 Brownsville ch by I P Trotter Memphis ch Assn G Craig Tr 01 S Roberts 1480 By R GCraig Central ch Nashville by Mrs M R-R by J R Penson ch 405 Henderson ch 935 Island Home5 chGreenville ThomasPenson 3584 By W H Thomas Greenvillech Limestone Dungan H DunganLimestoncch Gilbert 10 Bv WY H Blackman Oglesby 2 By R Philadelphia 3535 ch 50c Jonesboro ch 1 Pordtwn ch 545 Bethany ch 162 Ford town ch Trby Wm J OConnor Tr Thos Davis Nashville by Baptist and Reflector 5 1st ch Jackson ChattanoogaW M S 1st ch Chattanooga Nelson eJsonWlL 1350 By Mrs G W Nelson1V of which 350 for Zacatecas 105 for Centennial 105895 Sunbeams 1st ch Chattanooga which of which 645 for Centennial 25 for CentenCenten S25 of By R G Craig Tr Memphis Asson 3 By W M Woodco*ck Tr 100080Total 100080 40820 nial mal 2G for Zacatecas and 25 for support of Ah Wan 399289T399289Previously reported 299209 Total this year 399289 MrsMrs Sue A Dollar Gause 5 By MrsBy Mrs 1760 Tomkies W b TEXAS Center ch by C EXAS TEXASCenter TExAsCenter Kauf Rosamon 1st ch Kaufman 1315 L A S 1st ch KaufAt M1 C Ligon Llano 50c By H C Rosamon1st Agent Total 3200 man raan lrsJJ H Harper 5 By J M Carroll nlan 5 By Z C Taylor from Mrs 324625324625 1443604Vyear 14436041443604 Previously reported 1118979 Total this Bybees119 Bybees VIRGINIA C MI S Central ch by Mrs Annie Shell Tr for North China IRGINIA VIRGINIAC VJRGIiIC Anderson TMAndersonT M Anderson2 Lottie Moon Sunbeams Marion by Mrs TMAnderson Road ch by Miss Susie Shepherd 250deeply interested 250 259259 2500 By one for Sunbeam missionary 5 By Norvell Ryland Tr JuvemleJuvenile for Sunbeam missionary 3 JuvenileHouston Sunbeams by Miss Fanny P Barksdale Tr CenCenCen for By Betts T 30 T Bettsfor TBetts Centennial fo J Chiles for Irs E SSChiles Missionary Class Hollins Inst bby Mrs family eh by Miss V Aldridge 5 By Dr J R Garhck and W 5 50 Ladies of Hamilton chf tennial 550 jenJenjen by J WJen Stone ch byj By Mrs C ML Jordan Black Walnut for Centennial 5 Corner 5 By SuSunSu M1ss Ruth Gregory for Sun by Sunbeams 2 Enon Clark Geo by eh J iiings GeoJ nings 914 Central Depot55Depot Chula Hardaway 5 BJ F Clare Twymans Store 5 By K H beam missionary heam By J A Stener LOvigston Lovingston fiOe Cedar eh by Jas 11 Newman 5 By Nornll Ryland Tr 70583P- t 704583450 Total 704583 2000 By Norvell Ryland Tr 2450 1715233ear 171533W1715233 Previously reviously reported 1010650 Total this year By Thos Hunton Weston 555-IRGINIADy WnsT WEST UST VIRGINIA 34353435 Previously reported 2935 Total this year Preiousy 60456045 By E L Compere TERRITORBy WEST ARKANSAS AND INDIAN TERRITORY 31910A31910 sOQ s Previously reported 25865 25865 Total this year 8405930 11378850N11378850I11375850this year 11378850 Total reported Previously AGGREGATE GGREGATE 2972920 entientienti was more 2 it than with It t OTEDy NOTB OTB By error Alabama was credited in January Journal NOTnBy tled to W VV

1892ay 1st to May 16th 1892 Receipts from May 350 Tr 350130 Judson Assn bJ W J oartin ALABAaiABy 1V B Crumpton C S ALAA111By 1892189ch by tt C Bledsoe LaFayette 189 21 Centennial Eley for B Union Springs S S by BT RoachC B By Roach 10 Lmevll1e Haynes D tBY 10tBY L A S Lineville eh by W D Haynes 5 Dr W 039920399cht by Jas Shackelford 760 Total 20399 Scottsboro 5 Missy Soc Danville eh t




Searcy V P 6363 RKAXSAsD1ue ARKA KAXSAsD1ue xsAsBlue Iountain Assn by Jno W Copeland Tr 20O By J B Searc RKA 0632063cents Total 063 Santa 750 Campos ch 41 SClO Paulo ch 41 SantaBRAZILBy W B Bagby Campinas ch 5U5U Barbam ch 350 Rio ch by L C l1ine Tr 40 Totnl 59Barbara 11 Treas M Ridge F by Miss Iiss ch Iorris FLORIDAMission Society nar FLORJDMission for cCarh 5 Col1ection att W I U meeting special forGEORGIAMonroe GEORGIIonroe ch by DBWVy S G McCarty Iiss Iahcrry 113 forfor Gibson C S of which 25 for Miss J rs Mrs Z C Taylor 30tAl Bibleand 5 for Bible Missy of Central Assn 5 for Brazil ch S55 for Centennial 5 for Brazil an Miss Coltectionsl0 Coltections York 0323 1st ch Augusta by Miss M1 E Wright 1for WV H Sears 2910 Work PhinizyAugusta ch 5 S W 1st C Taylor Z Jno Phinizy special for Mrs bf In at Y M U meeting 64174U71U71 for W H Sears 81 Racoon ch b y E H Barrett 11 1 Total 64174 NK1TQCKYBy Miss E S Broadus Prest C C W M S 35 Trowel Creet ch B y 1 N KETUCKBy 110 Wallace 5 Total 40byby C A Fulton 511 Eutaw Place ch Baltimore by MARYLANDImmanuel 01RLDImmanuel ch Baltimore 1RLDImmanuel 771977219772 F 11 Ellis 14672 Total 197 F F11 Strnl1burg S105 Wm 1025 D1ck Hill cll by R C Fox 11SS1SS1111PleaSal1t 11SS1SS1111PleaSal1t Hope eh by MlssissirrIPleasant 1795 L M1 S Hazlehurst ch by B D Gray 5 By Jos Shackeltord Iuka ch 10 Iuku S-SS4505 S 450185 Total 4505AA Kinsbury for Centennial 100 By AHoi cllens Sturgeon by W E Kinsbur IISSOCRIlrs 5IlssotrLIfs A I Houchens 1585115851 E Rogers Tr 5851 Total 15S54O1 1 ormnn KLAIIOMIA OKLAlIOIA TEHRITORBy J M Com Norman WW Brushy Fork ch by Jno W5 Hrusln SOCTII CROLIxCednr Springs ch by S M1 Bagwell SOTTII Miss mIen Suber 8 Eastey eh b y j N IIoard Tr by liss Sunbeams i1kes Enoree Wilkes 115 1738l1738 350 Greenwood ch br W B Blyth Tr 1738376 Hurricane ch by C C Young 220O Bishopi11e S S hby jas H Scarborough 730 By GGlishopvi11e ch b y J L Parrott llishopvi11e Bishopville A Bell 137Tabernade eh 137 127 Lamar eh 112 B y j 1T Gresham Lake Swamp ch Spartan50 Green St eh Spartan 312 Cedar Shoal ch by G A Watson 250 Aiken S S Convention 31 W W PacoIetNorth b y PacoIet ch 500 orth Icathers Westminster ew New 3 burg b y D J Woodruff MahoneyahoneyV MI S 1 W Four Holes eh by B M1 Foreman 10 II W ahoney eh b y W P Smith 7807 Packsille 80 cents Toial 7807Packsville A Robertson 10 Johnsons Gron ch by G orrell Johnsons Grove S10 Worrell TESNEVEERy TEXESSEERy J Ie Kti Tr 1771 Birc11wood ch by G W Cat11lhell 350 S S 1st ch Clarksille byR55W E RBeach chS S ch 5 Central Icmphls G Craig Tr N fly Asn Curd 1 RuUands ch by J Shiloh 310 ShilohNashville asl1i11e by Frank lB Owings for Centennial S55 Bellwood ch by E L Jones asl1i11e 250 eh by E Jhnson 2 Harmony ch br Elijah Cary 387 B y C D TiIpctt Knoxville 250ch 10 Ararat S10 AraratAntioch ch b y Geo Denton 5 Br R J iJlinghamF S Ynger Chnttanoon V ch M S St James chW M S Shiloh ch Chattanooga 125 W1 lrs G W Xelson W1 ch S 2 By Mrs lashyilleNashville5 W M1 S Central ch lashyille Chattanooga 220O L M1 S entral ch Chattanooga lJ 5 10241H Total lIate ells by Bethel P 10241 and HO11HO11 bby y G A Lofton 135 Rocky Point 2555TEXAST TEXST D Goodwin Anson by R S Fleming to reinforce Iexican Iissions 25 1-




157415 157411574-









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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

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Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

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