What is a quantitative credit control? (2024)

What is a quantitative credit control?

Quantitative credit control refers to overall credit in the economy, affecting all sectors of the economy equally and without discrimination. Qualitative credit control refers to selective credit control that focuses on allocation of credit to different sectors of the economy.

What is qualitative control?

Glossary -> Q. Controls to limit the nature or variety of an item rather than its quantity; e.g., regarding capital, a qualitative control would limit the type of loans but not the amount of lending.

What are the quantitative methods of credit control repo rate?

Reverse repo rate is the rate that banks get from RBI for parking their short term excess funds with RBI. Repo and reverse repo operations are used by RBI in its Liquidity Adjustment Facility RBI contracts credit by increasing the repo and reverse repo rates and by decreasing them it expands credit.

What are the two quantitative tools to control credit creation in an economy?

Answer: Two quantitative tools to control credit creation in an economy are bank rate and repo rate.

Which of the following is included under a quantitative credit controlling?

These include bank rate policy, open market operations, Statutory Liquidity Ratio, Repo rate, Reverse Repo rate and Cash Reserve Ratio. Was this answer helpful?

What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative credit control measures?

The quantitative measures include two rate and two ratio policies as well as open market operation whereas qualitative measures include margin requirement, rationing of credit and Moral suasion.

What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative quality control?

Quantitative data is numbers-based, countable, or measurable. Qualitative data is interpretation-based, descriptive, and relating to language. Quantitative data tells us how many, how much, or how often in calculations. Qualitative data can help us to understand why, how, or what happened behind certain behaviors.

What do you mean by quantitative credit control techniques give examples?

Quantitative credit controls are used to maintain proper quantity of credit of money supply in market. Some of the important general credit control methods are. Bank Rate Policy. Bank rate is the rate at which the Central bank lends money to the commercial banks for their liquidity requirements.

Is the repo rate qualitative or quantitative?

No, the repo rate is an instrument of quantitative credit control. It impacts the availability of credit across sectors of the economy. Q. Explain the role of Reverse Repo Rate in controlling credit creation.

Which of the following is qualitative method of credit control?

The correct answer is Moral Suasion. Moral suasion is a qualitative measure of credit control used by the Reserve Bank of India. It is a persuasive technique used by the central bank to influence the behavior of the commercial banks.

Is the quantitative tool of credit control choose the correct option?

Expert-Verified Answer

The Statutory Liquid Ratio is the quantitative tool for credit control. The Statutory Liquid Ratio Is the minimum amount of deposits ratio that commercial banks have to main in liquid forms such as cash gold or the equivalents with the central bank.

Is the quantitative tool of credit control 4?

Bank rate, Open Market Operations, Cash Reserve Ratio, Statutory Liquidity Ratio are the quantitative tools used to control the credit.

What are the examples of qualitative monetary tools of credit control?

The qualitative tools of monetary policy are Rationing of credit, Consumer Credit Regulation, Guidelines, Margin requirements, Moral Suasion.

What is not a quantitative method of credit control?

Margin requirements is not a quantitative credit control tool of RBI.

Which of the following is not a quantitative tool of credit control?

Moral Suasion is not quantitative credit control instrument of credit control. Moral Suasion implies persuasion and request made by the Central Bank to the Commercial Banks to cooperate with the general monetary policy of the former.

Which is not a quantitative technique?

Hence, we conclude that the observation technique is not a quantitative technique of evaluation. Observation refers to the process of watching things with a purpose.

Which is one among the quantitative methods of credit control?

1. Credit rationing is quantitative credit control measure of Central bank. 2. Regulation of Consumer Credit is a quantitative credit control measure of Central Bank.

What is quantitative difference vs qualitative difference?

Both describe a context or a focus, but where “qualitative” indicates that our focus is on quality, or value, “quantitative” indicates that we are more interested in quantity, or measurement.

What are the quantitative instruments of monetary policy?

Quantitative instruments influence the money volume and credit supply in the system. The quantitative instruments are Open Market Operations, Liquidity Adjustment Facility (Repo and Reverse Repo), Marginal Standing Facility, SLR, CRR, Bank Rate, etc.

Why quantitative is better than qualitative?

Quantitative research is very well suited to establishing cause-and-effect relationships, to testing hypotheses and to determining the opinions, attitudes and practices of a large population, whereas qualitative research lends itself very well to developing hypotheses and theories and to describing processes such as ...

What is an example of a quantitative analysis?

Quantitative analysis measures quantitative data, categorized as functional information. Quantitative models use metrics based on facts and numerical figures, such as statistics, formulas, and percentages. Calculating the sales revenue of one of your products is an example of quantitative analysis.

What is the importance of quantitative methods?

Researchers use quantitative methods to observe situations or events that affect people. Quantitative research produces objective data that can be clearly communicated through statistics and numbers. We do this in a systematic scientific way so the studies can be replicated by someone else.

What is the meaning of quantitative method?

Definition. Quantitative methods emphasize objective measurements and the statistical, mathematical, or numerical analysis of data collected through polls, questionnaires, and surveys, or by manipulating pre-existing statistical data using computational techniques.

What is credit control technique?

Credit control is defined as the lending strategy that banks and financial institutions employ to lend money to customers. The strategy emphasises on lending money to customers who have a good credit score or credit record.

What is repo rate and reverse repo rate?

What is the Difference Between Repo Rate and Reverse Repo Rate?
Repo RateReverse Repo Rate
It is the rate at which RBI lends money to banksIt is the rate at which RBI borrows money from banks
It is higher than the reverse repo rateIt is lower than the repo rate
2 more rows
Feb 7, 2024

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