When can i put lotion on my knee replacement incision? (2024)

When can I put lotion on my knee replacement incision?

Daily Incision Care

Staples will be removed 2 weeks from the date of surgery. Once staples are removed, you can use vitamin E lotion, aloe cream or any moisturizer to massage your incision. A visiting nurse may come to your house for a few visits to assist you with your incision care.

(Video) Scar Massage INCREDIBLE 8-Weeks After Knee Replacement
(Total Therapy Solution - Physical Therapy)

What is the best lotion after knee replacement?

There is no need to apply any ointments or solutions to your incision but if you prefer, there are over-the-counter ointments that some patients apply, including Vitamin E cream, Mederma and other prescription silicone creams.

(Video) Knee Replacement Massage
(Total Therapy Solution - Physical Therapy)

Can you put cream on knee replacement scar?

Silicone-based gels

Massaging the scar with silicone gel for several months can help reduce scar tissue. Another option is to apply silicone sheets such as: Advasil Conform.

(Video) How to care for a healing wound
(AboutKidsHealth - The Hospital for Sick Children)

How long does it take for the incision to heal after knee replacement?

During the first 6 weeks, rapid healing takes place. A full recovery can take 6 months to 1 year or longer. After surgery, efforts are devoted to controlling post-surgical pain, establishing good range of motion, and increasing muscle strength.

(Video) One week after total knee replacement!

Can you put lotion on knee after knee replacement?

You should look at the area around your incision every day and keep it clean while it heals. Do not put any creams, salves or ointments on the area.

(Video) Total Knee Replacement Incision Sensitivity at Night
(Total Therapy Solution - Physical Therapy)

Can I put lotion on my leg after knee replacement surgery?

Keep the wound covered until your first follow up. There is glue over your incision, this will flake off over time. Do not pick at or remove any scabs. It is ok to lotion the skin surrounding the incision, but don't place any lotion or ointment directly on the wound.

(Video) (3) Minute Scar Massage (DRY-RUB) After Knee Replacement
(Total Therapy Solution - Physical Therapy)

When can I put lotion on a surgery scar?

Most doctors do not specifically recommend them. However, there is no evidence that they do any harm (except in the rare case of a skin allergy.) If you choose to apply cream, be sure to wait two weeks after surgery.

When can i put lotion on my knee replacement incision? (2024)

How soon can you put cream on surgical scar?

If the incision has been closed with absorbable sutures and Steri-Strips, scar treatment can begin about two weeks later after the Steri-Strips have been removed if the incision is completely healed.

When can you put lotion on a scar after surgery?

Usually after 2 weeks. Be sure your doctor is happy with the scar before you start as you may break down the tissue if you massage too early. Apply lotion to all scar areas once your surgeon has given you the ok.

Can I put lotion on my incision?

Don't use skin cleansers, antibacterial soaps, alcohol, iodine, or peroxide. They can damage the skin in the wound and delay healing. Also, don't put on any lotion, cream, or herbal product unless you've checked with your doctor first. Your doctor will tell you how to wash out your wound.

What is the maximum bend after knee replacement?

If you achieve 90 degrees by one week, and continue to push forward after this, you will end up with excellent range of motion of your knee replacement. Most of our patients end up with 120 to 125 degrees of flexion. Make sure that you know how much flexibility you have in your knee.

What breaks up scar tissue after knee replacement?

Other treatments include manipulation under anesthesia, when a physician manipulates the knee in a controlled fashion to break up the scar tissue. Surgery may also be an option for some patients. Regardless of the course of treatment, physical therapy will play an important role.

When does scar tissue stop forming after TKR?

With every surgery scar tissue is going to form. This can occur for up to a year afterward. Scarring is good in that it closes wounds, but a heavy, binding scar can prevent normal function and potentially cause pain.

How do you moisturize a healing incision?

To help the injured skin heal, use petroleum jelly to keep the wound moist. Petroleum jelly prevents the wound from drying out and forming a scab; wounds with scabs take longer to heal. This will also help prevent a scar from getting too large, deep or itchy.

How far can you walk 6 weeks after knee replacement?

Four to six weeks after surgery: Within four to six weeks of your surgery, you will likely be able to walk 10 minutes or more at a time without a walker, cane, crutches or other assistive device. Your physical therapist will encourage you to walk longer distances without an assistive device.

How to reduce stiffness in knee after knee replacement surgery?

One of the most effective ways to combat stiffness is through early mobilization and structured physical therapy. Engaging in range-of-motion exercises helps prevent scar tissue formation, enhances joint flexibility, and reduces stiffness.

What causes tight band feeling after knee replacement?

Nerve pain – The surgical incision that is made through the skin and underlying layers to get into the knee joint also cuts through small nerves that pass through these tissues. Commonly this leaves the outer aspect of the knee feeling a bit numb or tingly after surgery, or a feeling of a “tight band” around the knee.

How long will my knee be warm after knee replacement?

Warm feeling around the knee: the operated site may feel hot and the heat may last 3-12 months. As part of the healing process, the operation site requires more blood supply from the body, and it is this extra blood supply which gives rise to the local heat.

Should I still have pain 5 weeks after knee replacement surgery?

Your body just went through a major surgery and needs time to heal. Most people can resume daily activities with reduced pain approximately three to six weeks after surgery. Full recovery can take anywhere from four months to a year.

Is it good to massage leg after knee replacement?

Knee Reconstruction | Remedial Massage

Having a quality rehabilitation program is a crucial part of any post-operative recovery plan. Remedial massage can be a great component of any recovery plan as it helps to reduce swelling, inflammation and pain, and restore joint mobility and circulation.

Do surgical wounds heal faster covered or uncovered?

A handful of studies have found that when wounds are kept moist and covered, blood vessels regenerate faster and the number of cells that cause inflammation drop more rapidly than they do in wounds allowed to air out. It is best to keep a wound moist and covered for at least five days.

How often should you moisturise a scar?

Use a non-perfumed moisturising cream such as E45 cream or aqueous cream to moisturise the skin surrounding your scar twice a day. Avoid picking or scratching your scar. Keep clothes loose around your scar to avoid tension or friction which may irritate it.

Why is my surgical incision leaking fluid after 4 weeks?

It's normal for your wound to leak small amounts of this clear fluid. However, if you notice your wound drains a lot of fluid, or if the fluid draining is thick like pus, contact a healthcare provider. A lot of serous fluid or pus leaking from the wound can indicate the presence of a bacterial infection.

What is the best cream to put on an incision after surgery?

Apply an antibiotic cream or ointment, such as Aquaphor or Vaseline, to your incision site, and keep it covered with appropriate bandaging to prevent dirt, bacteria, and other irritants from entering the wound.

Is it too late to use scar gel?

Treatment with ScarAway for post-surgical scars may typically begin approximately 1-2 weeks after stitches or staples are removed or when cleared by your physician or surgeon for use. For existing scars, you may begin using ScarAway immediately, provided your skin is intact and no wounds or irritation are present.

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